BANG. I sat up. My heart was beating in my ears. The ties around my feet and hands had been cut through. And rows of metal trays were laying all around me. The door was shattered and the curtain had been ripped down. I twisted myself out of the bed and stumbled over the broken glass. Tables and chairs were broken up everywhere, all the doors had been broken down and the lights were flickering. There was a pounding alarm but I wasn't sure if it was just all inside my head,  so I ignored it. I walked into the middle of the room where the boy once was. Glass cutting into my feet with each step. My vision was blurry, like I was falling asleep. Then there was a warm breath on my neck. I turned and there I was face to face with him again. The boy.  I had pins and needles shooting down my legs as I fell into his arms. As he wrapped himself around me. And I started to cry.Why, i dont know. Who was this boy? His silky hair brushed against me as he pulled me back up to my feet. He grabbed hold of my hand and ran over to the door. He spun on the bowls of his feet. "I didn't think i would ever see you again" Every word he said was like I had heard it before, but still I didnt know him. Everything else looked so familiar, apart from him. He painted a huge smile on his face and his arms were stretched out. "Come on, he's waiting for us," he said. "Who, who's waiting" But he ignored me and looked away. He grabbed my hand again, but I pulled away and pointed at the girls in the room.

"What about them, can they come too?" he laughed in disbelief but he didnt even question me. He grabbed a chair and smashed it into the door. His eyes sharpened and he ran back to me and shaded me from the glass. "The other girl, get her" I pointed. He rushed in and shook the girl awake. Her eyes shot open and she sat up gasping for air. "It's okay, its okay," he reassured her. He grabbed her hand and helped her out of the metal bed ripping off wires which hung from the machines.

I grabbed a couple lab coats from the floor and threw one to the boy. He placed it upon her shoulders, as I did to. We all crawled over the broken chairs and toppled tables as we rushed over to the exit. There were rows of buttons placed upon a metal plate, but that was no option. It had sparks spitting out and showering the floor. "We don't have long," he growled. I grabbed his arm and placed his hand in mine. He gave me a relieved smile but distracted himself and looked away. His hand slipped away as he ran over to a corridor leading onto some rusted stairs. We followed. Walking down them I felt a cold whirl of frost pass over my body as we ventured down. I began to shiver and I could feel my lips turning blue. I caught eyes with Akira as he grabbed mine and amoras hands and brought us closer together. We rushed down the narrowed stair and came into terms with the world.

There were no houses nor people. No dogs chasing the cats, no birds singing within the trees. Well in fact there were no trees at all.

The floor was a rusty orange coloured sand that piled into mountains in the distance. I squinted my eyes as it revealed a truck. The windows had been barricaded shut with metal plates with bullet holes indented all over. It was a white colour with black and brown tiger prints on the doors. "Come on," the boy gestured us inside. He got into the passenger side and a head poked out the driver's window. He slapped the side of the truck and laughed. His hair was ashy and his skin pale as snow. "Ello ladies, I'm marcus".

He looked familiar to me. Everyone here did. Still except the boy. We climbed over the back of the truck and sat opposite each other. Me and Amora on one side and Akira on the other. My head was spinning. I couldn't comprehend what had happened. First I was falling then I awoke upon a feild and stumbled across these girls then this boy. What confused me more was how only I could remember my name and only I seemed to be the only 'awake one' out of us all but somehow i still felt as if i was floating upon a dream. The truck's wheels whipped the sand as we drove. My thoughts were controlling my whole body but then. I looked up at Amora as I realized. "Your name, your remember, dont you?" I could see her looking up and smiling at me, so I smiled too. She laughed and I did too. I guess she did know her name after all. We sat there laughing with our heads swaying to the sound of the wind. But Akira didn't look so happy. Confused even. The Sand grazed her pale skin as I twisted her jet black hair around my fingers and brushed it over her ear and lifted her chin. "Akira, my names Akira... you...Anndrette.. I remember, a field the lilac...and you, you were there" her words confused Amora. However I knew what she had seen, as I remembered too. My hand slipped off her chin and I smiled. Suddenly the roof of the truck opened as the boy stuck his head out of it. His arms dancing with the wind. He started to sing, the lyrics of a song,

the skies open wide....there is nowhere for you to hide....the sun and moon will shine....

I remembered the song and every lyric just came flooding into my mind. Unconsciously I began murmuring the words beneath my breath. The wind brushed my hair as I stood up. I was in disbelief. We were in the middle of nowhere, no road for us to follow, just a few mountains that pointed into the direction of the moon as the night was falling in on us. A huge smile planted on my face and I sang louder, my arms high as I danced.

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