- blood became her ally

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Dreaming of the stars

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Dreaming of the stars.


"Anything?" Josie asks as she hands Hope a personal belonging of Blair's and lights a candle, adding it to the pile scattered across the floor.

Hope grabs Blair's sweater and drapes it across her lap. "My definite answer would be no, my back up answer would be a current work in progress."

Josie flips through the aged spell book she specifically picked out from the school library after an hour search for it and trails a finger down the page, replying quietly. "We can only move forward from here on out." She encourages, flicking to the page where the spell was contained.

Hope tears a piece off Blair's sweater and mumbles, "I'll pay you back." before she holds it above the burning flame of the candle and chants the tracking spell under her breath. Josie soon collaborates and they conjoin hands, eyes fluttering shut as a flash of white light floods their vision.

Hope grunts and snaps her eyes open, rubbing the balls of her hands against them furiously, a sting pushing through. "That didn't go according to plan." She mutters with a dry release of air. She assumes Josie had experienced the same but when she glances up at the siphon, she is left stunned.

"Jo?" Hope calls quietly, reaching to touch the girl. Josie has her eyes screwed shut, her chin pointed to the ceiling as her body tremors with a forceful spasm, a reaction to pain.

Hope begins to undergo minor panic, blue bulbs frantically searching over the Saltzman girl's body. "Josie. Josie, can you hear me?"

Then, it happens.

"She's here... Blair is outside." Josie gasps out, her eyes multiple sizes larger, explosions of brown dilating her pupils. Her hand flies out to latch hold of something, expecting a wall or some inanimate object but comes in contact with skin... warm, with the shiver of steel against her fingers.

Hope's hand tightens around her own, as the tribrid pulls the two of them to their feet.

"We have to catch her before she scarpers," Josie states, worry spreading throughout her facial features. "Or worse, my dad finds her first. Who knows what he would do still being under the impression that she gave into driven blood desire."

Josie slips her hand from Hope's and speeds over to the door, though, Hope reaches out and catches her wrist. "Wait," the tribrid interjects. "Let me go. I can talk her down better than you can."

"Okay," Josie nods in agreement, knowing Hope was closest to the vampire on a personal connection level. "Yeah, okay, just fill me in on everything that happens."

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