I need you now

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I need you now

But you don't know

How much it hurts

That you don't need me

We don't talk much

Like we used to

And I don't know why

But please don't go

Don't leave me

Like the others have

It makes me feel alone

And it makes me cry

I don't know why

People leave me

I never will

Because they will never say

I need you now

I need you now

But you don't know

How much it hurts

That you don't need me

I'm alone

Because everyone left

Including you...

Now what do i do?...

Do I fall into the darkness?

Until someone comes to save me?

Or do I fight? For myself?

I don't know

I need you now

But you don't know

How much it hurts

That you don't need me

Dark Poems by my brainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora