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It's dark
It's cold
It's scary

But you're not alone
You're wrapped in the arms of your loved ones
You've talked with the people you most care for
You've fought your battle hard

But it's time to go
You were strong until the end
You were brave
You were terrified

We shared moments
We shared tears
We shared hatred and love
We shared our lives

You're getting tired
It's getting harder to stay awake
You feel it as it draws near
You lean on them and tell them it's time

You tell them you love them
And apologize for the bad things you've done
You share your last moments with them
And you make them promise to move on

You make sure your friends are safe
You make sure everyone keeps their word
You make sure they all know that you loved them
You make sure that they'll be ok

The time is here
You're wrapped in the arms of your loved ones
You take one deep breathe
And you're gone

The cries of your loved ones
You still hear them
You apologize for bringing this type of pain
But your body couldn't keep going

You cry as you leave
Because you weren't ready to depart
But the world said it's your time
So you have to go

It'll hurt for a while
But eventually it'll get easier
It just feels hopeless
We love you and you'll always be missed

Rest Easy Sir Doofus

Dark Poems by my brainWhere stories live. Discover now