That little feeling

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That little feeling in your chest
That little feeling that you need to get out
That little feeling that could explode

You say things you don't mean
Because of that little feeling
You yell, you cry, you stay silent

You want the little feeling to stop
But you don't know how
You're afraid of what you might do

You're afraid of hurting the ones you care for
You're afraid of someone finding out
You're afraid of them judging so you block them off

That little feeling starts getting bigger
You're starting to lose control
You're starting to feel an urge

The urge to hurt something
Or someone
But you get that urge

You don't want to hurt the ones you care for
But they could be caught in the crossfire
Between your mind and you're feelings

You push them away for their safety
But that feeling gets bigger
It's directed at yourself

It's directed at yourself for being weak
It's directed at yourself for crying
It's directed at yourself for hurting

You don't deserve to have that little feeling grow
But it's growing
You need to get it out before it explodes

Before it explodes on the ones you care for
Before you hurt the ones you care for
But it may have already been too late

You may have hurt them now
Now that little feeling is growing again
It's directed at yourself for hurting the ones you care for

You want to cry but you can't
You want to scream but you can't
Your face is made of stone

There is no emotion
That feeling is eating at you
It's making you do things you don't want

That little feeling in your chest
Is called anger
And if you don't control it

It. Will. Destroy. You.

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