Homeless for a day

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My mom had just found my pride bracelet. Out of anger she kicked me out. She told me she would mail me the rest of my stuff once I had a permanent home. I had enough money to get by for a few days. I took my school bag, a smaller bag of clothes and my longboard so i had something to use to get around. I sighed and found a place to stay.

-Time skip, next day-

I was so nervous to go to school. I had to bring my small bag of clothes cause i couldnt just leave it. I found a place to put my long board after asking a teacher. When it came to algebra i sat next to my friend Alex like i always did. I told them what happened and they instantly pulled out their phone.

"What are you doing??" I asked quietly, knowing how Mr Jo'nn can get when you talk over him.

"Im telling my parents.. andddd you can stay with us!!" They tell me and i smile and hug them. (in this theres no covid.)

They smile and we do our work, (in this i also actually know what im doing.) After this I had pe with Mrs Danvers. Shes my favorite teacher and I would sometimes hang out here after school while I waited on my mom to pick me up. I decided to tell her what happened. She was not happy.

"Do you have a place to stay? If not I can arrange something for you."

"Thanks but my friend is letting me stay with them for now." I tell her. She nods and starts to teach.

I sit next to my friend, Ollie. Theyve always been there for me. I tell them what happened and how Alex is letting me stay with them. They felt really bad im going through this but i shrugged it off.

After school I went home with Alex. I was nervous honestly. Their mom didnt speak english well so i would mainly rely on her dad for communication. Me and Alex mainly joked for the entire car ride to his house. Their little sister was a bit confused but we just said that I was staying here temporarily because I couldnt stay at home.

His parents understood that I couldnt get my clothes at the moment so they got me a couple of things to wear, including another school uniform. I really appreciated it.

I didnt really feel like eating so i just had a small snack for dinner. They were really understanding and I feel really guilty. Alex tried to reassure me that I had nothing to feel guilty about but it didnt help. They told me that they were going to look after me while they got in contact with social services, hopefully to convince them to let them foster me. Even though thats not really how it works.

I told Kayla what happened before going to bed. The next day i woke up to hundreds of notifications. I immediately showed my phone to Alex. It was mainly from instagram and twitter. All of them using some hashtag?

"#SaveGhost?? My friend has just been kicked out of their home, please help me help them!" I continued reading it, slowly starting to read it in my head. I can't believe my friends did this for me. I had several messages from people wanting to help. They say i should get a paypal. I agreed and Alex helped me. And Alex's parents even let us stay home from school today since it was kind of stressful and they knew i would probably need a break.

Later in the day my heart dropped. I had a message from Kat Barrell. I dropped my phone. "Oh my god. Kat just sent me a message on instagram!" I said to Alex.

"Well stop being an idiot and open it!" They tell me laughing.

The message read,
Dear Ghost, I would just like to say that I am truly sorry this happened to you. I woke up and saw hundreds of posts from several Earpers using the hashtag #SaveBug. I looked into your story and decided, I want to help. What better way of doing that than taking you into my home? Of course this is completely up to you. I would just like you to know that, that offer stands, take your time and get back to me!

Have as good as a day that you can. - Kat

What is going on?!?!?! Wait.. this would mean i go to Canada.

Saving me- false realityUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum