Canada or no?

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(A/N im probably going to end up using lowercase because thats how i always type and honestly im just too lazy to turn on autocap. and also unless stated otherwise this will all be in my pov.)

"what should i do?? should i do it. i mean this would mean i move to canada." i asked alex for their opinion.

"honestly? i think you should do it! im definitely going to miss you but its an amazing opportunity for you. but if you dont call me everyday i will personally come to canada and beat you up." they said semi jokingly. i rolled my eyes and took a deep breath before replying.

hey, im really speechless at the offer. but i think im going to say yes, i feel really bad honestly but i know its probably better for me than staying where i am, since i run the risk of running into my family. but really, from the bottom of my heart thank you. this means so much to me.


i sent it, i was so nervous. i didnt know how she would react. surprisingly i got a reply pretty quickly.

Okay! It might take a while because of legal reasons. But we will let you know when everything is ready, we will pay for the flight and mailing your stuff here once you're ready. Have an amazing day!

i quickly replied and me and Alex hung out. I was really grateful. The next day we found out that it would be about a week before I had to go to canada. we decided to make the best of the time i had left here. this weekend alex and his parents let us have some friends over.

i felt really grateful. on monday was when i was going to canada. i was so nervous. but i was also really excited.

we spent most of sunday packing my stuff. and on monday they took me to the airport, told me where to go and i was off. here we go. i texted them when i was on the plane. i texted with alex pretty much the entire flight. the flight attendants were really nice to me. since i was flying alone as a minor and also cause it was my first flight.

when i got to the airport i immediately saw kat. i walked over to her. she was looking at something on her phone. she looked up and smiles at me.

"hey! its great to see you, how was your flight?"

"it was okay, i mainly texted my friend the entire time." i said smiling.

"thats good. so we are going to go to some stores to get you some clothes, any place in particular you want to go to?"

"i really like shopping for clothes at thrift stores, thats where you find the good stuff."  i tell her half jokingly. she laughs and nods.

"um we didnt really decorate your new room because we wanted you to be able to make it your own. but i did get two things i hope you'll like. when i saw your story i noticed your mother kicked you out for being non binary and gay. so i bought you two pride flags." she said, smiling softly.

i can't believe this honestly. "wait actually? thank you! i feel really bad though." i say.

"dont be guilty! i know its easier said than done but it was my choice. you didnt ask me to." i thanked her and we walked to get my suitcase, i only had that and my small back that had my charger, headphones, and my stuffed lamb, i've had it since i was born and she got me through most of the tough moments in my life.

i grabbed my suitcase, that had a few danganronpa and tpn stickers. "anime fan?" she asks and i nod. she smiles.

"thats so cool! do you cosplay?" she asks and i wasnt expecting it. i nod and she smiles.

"thats awesome! you might have to show me sometime." i laugh and shrug. we walk outside and i see someone standing against a car. its.... dom???

"hey domi!" kat says kissing her cheek. i notice a slight blush on her cheeks. i take note of that. "domi, this is ghost." she says pointing at me.

"hey! nice to finally meet you. i heard on your story that your friend posted that you watched wynonna earp?" i nod.

"yeah, it honestly saved my life." i say smiling. they both give me a quick hug making me laugh. we get in the car after putting my suitcase in the trunk.

"what music do you listen to?" Dom asks me.

"honestly anything but country" i say before adding, "bad memories." they nod and dom takes control of the music. i instantly recognize the first song. its sweater weather.

"i love this song!" i say. dom smiles, "me too!" we laugh and kat playfully rolls her eyes at us. we go to the thrift store first. i get 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants. i felt too bad getting anything else. they told me i could get more if i wanted. obviously not wanting to push me. i really appreciate it.

after that we went to walmart, getting me a comforter for my bed and also they got me a poster of danganronpa and another of tpn. i was really grateful. when we got to the house ray was sitting on the couch. i immediately felt uncomfortable, silently hoping he wouldnt be like my dad.

dom noticed and pulled me aside. "you okay?" i shrug.

"my dad um.. lets just say he wasnt the best person. im scared that ray will end up like him. i know its dumb but its just instinct."

she smiles at me understandingly. "thats okay! you dont have to trust him right away, you dont have to trust any of us right away. and by the way we already contacted your mom, she said she got rid of some of your stuff, only the stuff she knew held no value. she already sent over the rest. so if you want i can help you unpack. maybe you can actually show me your music taste." she says punching me playfully. i laugh and nod.

"that sounds awesome." maybe this wont be so bad.

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