day after the fight

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i woke up and grabbed something to wear, just simple jeans and a t-shirt. i grabbed a towel and got in the shower. i cried. this wasn't unusual for me. i almost always cried in the shower. it was calming and its a good way to let it out.

when i got out i dried my hair and changed. after that i grabbed my phone and walked into the living room. dom was sitting on the couch and kat was in the kitchen.

"hey, howd you sleep?" dom asks.

"good, thank you." i reply, sitting next to her. we decided to continue watching ratched while kat made breakfast. kat seemed very concerned by ratched. especially all the blood but she let it be.

she made french toast. i smiled, "my grandma would always make french toast when i came over, but she was rude and died in 2016" i say and they smile at me with a look of concern. it was pretty funny.

"im guessing her french toast was good?" kat says half jokingly and i nod. we ate breakfast and talked about how i was settling in so far.

later that day ray came home. kat had just went to the store. i was sitting on the couch. he didn't acknowledge me. i decided to text dom.

me: ray is acting weird. he just got home but didn't acknowledge me. i think he's mad about something.

dom: don't worry, do you want me to come pick you up?

me: if you don't mind, he's making me panic a little.

dom: okay i'll be there shortly just let me tell kat that we are going to be hanging out.

me: alright, ty.

dom: ofc!

when dom picked me up ray wasnt happy i could tell but he didnt say anything. me and dom went out to eat. she and kat were the only ones i trusted so far considering theyre like the only people ive actually met in person since ive come here.

after a while dom dropped me back off and i heard ray in the bedroom on the phone with someone. lets just say the conversation wasnt very pg.

to be honest i dont care what happens at this point so i grab my phone from my pocket and start recording it, kat told me and dom yesterday that she plans on having the cast over for dinner tonight. so why not make it interesting?

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