4- The Search

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Sakurai quickly pulled out her phone and took a picture of the poster. She headed for Michiyo's house, picking up her pace.

How could Amai be missing? Why was so many bad things happening?

Pounding on Michiyo's door, Sakurai kept looking around her. Michiyo's mum opened it and stood in the doorway.

"Oh, hello Sakurai. Do you want me to get Michiyo?" she asked, already beginning to walk inside to find Michiyo.

"Yes please."

Once Michiyo stepped out, they walked around as Sakurai informed her of what she saw. She led her to the poster she saw.

"Oh my god. Why are so many things happening?" Michiyo sighed.

"Shouldn't we look for her?"

"I guess, but if there is a kidnapper or something, then we will both suffer as well..."

"Well, I know that she probably means a lot to Taro, so we have to find her." Sakurai pulled Michiyo by the wrist and they began searching the town. They had been walking for at least an hour, and it was really dark. There was no trace of her.

A few days passed, and Sakurai dragged Michiyo out to look for Amai every day- for Taro's sake. Sakurai was beginning to lose all hope. While on the hunt for Amai, she spotted a clearing in between two buildings. She walked straight into it, despite the fact that it was really dark in there.

"Well, we are gonna get kidnapped." Michiyo said, as Sakurai led her into a pitch black alleyway.

"You don't have to follow me. You can just go home and I won't blame you." Sakurai replied, walking further.

"There is no way I'm leaving you alone in this place. I'm staying with you." There was some movement up ahead; the sillhouette of a figure could be seen. Michiyo started trembling.

"We are definitely gonna get kidnapped... come on, let's just go," Michiyo began to turn away, but then heard Sakurai yell something. Her eyes widened, fearing the worst. She turned back around again, only to see Sakurai standing with someone, up ahead. It was still very dark, but her long hair was very distingtive and easy to pick out. Michiyo ran forward to where she was standing.

"What's going on here-" Michiyo began. Her hand clapped over her mouth when she saw who Sakurai was talking to.

"AMAI!" Michiyo screamed, going forward to hug her. Michiyo hardly knew Amai, but she was still excited to see her, after all their searching. Even Sakurai was not close with Amai, but she was determined to give Taro good news. Amai hugged back, shivering. It was really cold and Amai were wearing short sleeves.

"Where have you been?" Sakurai asked calmly. Amai avoided eye-contact.

She hesitated before speaking, "I got expelled straight after cleaning. They found drugs and ciggaretes in my bag, which I never put in there. I was also accused of stealing someone's ring, which also somehow ended up in my bag. My parents are very strict on things like drugs, and they kicked me out as soon as they found out. The only person who wants to find me is my grandmother and I would go to her but I don't exactly know where she lives. I didn't do any of those things though, I was definitely framed!" Tears were streaming down her cheeks. Sakurai raised an eyebrow.

"Do you ever remember taking off your bag?" Sakurai asked.

"No, not really,"

"Well how would they have put it in your bag then? Unless your lying." Michiyo chirped in, abruptly.

"I'm not lying!" Amai yelled. Sakurai sighed and stood up. There was no hope in getting Amai back in school, since the principle had proof of her actions.

"Just give your grandmother a call and stay with her." Sakurai said, holding out her phone. After Amai had finished her call, Sakurai and Michiyo finally went home. On the way home, Michiyo kept talking about Amai lying.

"I can't believe she would make up some stupid lie like that, if it was in her bag then she can't lie her way out of that." Michiyo never really talked in a serious or agitated tone, but she seemed to be really frustrated about Amai.

"I want to believe her, but I don't know if I can. It just seems to far-fetched...?" Sakurai replied, unsure of the right word to describe it.

"Exactly. So, at school tomorrow, we will tell your precious senpai everything about Amai."

Sakurai blushed. "Don't call him that..."

"I don't even know why you were so focussed on trying to getting Amai back for Taro. I swear she had a crush on him... so wouldn't she be in your way?"

"Yeah, I guess but this isn't some game where you have to eliminate all your rivals.."

"Well, I don't care what you say, your loyal friend Michiyo will DEFINITELY successfully set you up with Taro!" Michiyo's spirits suddenly raised, and she held her fist in the air. A wide smile was printed on her face. It was so contagious that it even made Sakuarai grin back.

At school the next morning, the students were already confronted by the teachers, that Amai had been expelled. Taro was the only thing Sakurai could think about and she was hoping that he would be okay. At break, Sakurai rushed over to the fountain, where he normally sat. As usual, he was sat beside the fountain, reading a book. Her heart pounding, she sat beside him.

"Hey..." she began.

"Oh, hi Sakurai!" he replied, with his usual warm smile. It was a relief to see him looking happy again.

"Are you okay, you know, about the Amai incident?" Sakurai was nervous that if she brang it up, he would lose his high spirits. However, to her surprise, he didn't seem to be too bothered.

"I must admit, I'm really disappointed. I didn't take her to be one of those people to do such things, but I guess you don't always see the true side to people," Sakurai nodded, "But I will move on. I just hope I don't meet anyone else like that. She seemed like such a sweet girl but she must have been pretending." He stopped talking and got back to his book. Sakurai sat there for a second, listening to the calming sounds of the trickling water from the fountain.

"I can see why you like this spot so much." Sakurai said, glancing around at all the beautiful cherry blossom trees surrounding them. It was a truly breathtaking view and the fresh air felt like a weight off their chest. The two of them sat in the middle of it all, soaking in the beautiful environment. Sakurai felt a hand on hers, and she flinched. She wasn't sure whether Taro has realised or not, but his hand was on hers. He suddenly realised and snatched it away, turning red.

"I'm really sorry!" he kept repeating. She assured him that it was fine and stood up and walked around, trying to find Michiyo. She caught Michiyo peering at her, behind a wall.

"I SAW ALL OF THAT!! EEEEEEE!" Michiyo exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"Hush! Okay, okay," Sakurai smiled softly, "Lets go then."

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