Chapter 1

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There was a scream. Then a flash of green light. Alexander Montgomery was dead. His eyes closed peacefully and his golden hair spread around him like the wings of and angel many people knew him to be. The last thing he heard were the screams of his friends ringing in his ears then silence.

His chest heaved as he sucked air into his lungs. Glancing around it took him a second to register where he was, it was the Hogwarts infirmary, 'but this can't be right' he thought 'the infirmary in Hogwarts is nothing but rubble' a soft "huh hum"caught his attention, turning his head he sucked in another breath, there sat in a chair by his bed was his headmaster, his dead headmaster, the old man still had the same old twinkle in his eyes, and the familiar soft small he always seemed to wear. " I'm glad to see your wake my dear boy" Dumbledore said softly the blonde seemed to snap out of the trance he was in when he heard his headmasters dreamy voice, "Professor but how i was at the ministry and then-"
"Its ok, dear child take it easy" Alex blinked how was he here he definitely remembered dying, "Professor Dumbledore am i dead"
"Of course not, why may i ask would you think that" Alex gulped and looked down at the bed. Dumbledores smile faltered slightly " dear child could you tell me what happened" Alex looked up at him and took a deep breath " there was a fight professor , at the misery we where ambushed, and last i remember was a green light coming straight for me" the twinkle in Dumbledores eyes faded, this boy, no this child had lost his life in a war that was not his to fight.
"Professor if you don't mind me ask but there am I"
"I think you mean when"
"Ah right then when I'm i"
" it 1944, child " Alex's eyes widened '1944... its 1944, what am i going to do'
" i can see your worried mr....oh its just occurred to me that i never got your name, my apologies "
"Ah right, my names Alexander Montgomery and I'm sixteen" the blonde said with a small smile his hair falling over his shoulder " right then, students should be arriving tomorrow and we need to come up with an excuse to why you are joining so late"
"I could say I'm a transfer from France"
"Ah yes yes that will do, you rest up now and we will get your sorted with the first years tomorrow" Dumbledores warm smile returned as he turned around a walked out the infirmary door. Alex led back down and let what happened sink in, he let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes 'maybe this is my second chance'

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