Chapter 5

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Tom didn't see the blonde until the final lesson that day, potions. Tom would go as far as to say he liked potions but it was tolerable and Professor Slughorn loved Tom meaning he got away with a lot of things, but tom was not very happy with the professor today. Tom was stuck next to the bratty blonde beauty. 'Wait beauty' what was wrong with him he's never thought like this before. Hes know the boy for less then tow days and the blonde has already managed to place a spell on him. Tom looked away from the blonde as he sat down, the taller male grumbled at the smaller as he sent him a wink. Toms back straightened when Slughorn turned around " now can anyone tell me what the draught of living death can do" Toms hand flew up in an instant. A snort was heard he turned his head to the small blonde boy next to him "I didn't know you where dork Tom" Alex muttered low another only for the taller of the tow to hear, Tom glared at him and before he could report back Slughorne court his attention, "ah tom m'boy go ahead" Tom nodded and stood up. "The draught of living death is a very powerful sleeping draught, it puts the drinker into a sleep like death, it effects are similar to suspended animation" Slughorne gave a satisfied nod, "correct as always Tom m'boy" again the blonde giggled and said in a sing song voice "Dork~" Tom glared again and rolled his eyes he didn't want to pick a fight again no matter how much he wanted to hex the pretty blonde.

They both stood up to make there way back to the common room, when something came to Toms mind, Alex had never told them why is aunt scared his back, and he wanted to know why, " Montgomery" Tom stared "yes Riddle~"
"You never did Finnish the conversation last night about you back" Alex's smile faded, " you not going to stop asking until i tell you, are you Riddle?"
"No I'm not, you should probably in don't like secrets being kept from me"
"Huh fine I'll tell you, but you are not to repeat anything i tell you to any one understand?" Tom gave another of his curt nod.
"My aunt isn't one of the nices people around, she's with this group of dark wizards and witch's she wanted me to join and i said no and ran, lets just say when she court me she wasn't to happy, but luckily Dumbledore got to me before she could do anything worse" that warm smile reappeared and to Tom surprise he was happy it was back, pain filled eyes and a frown didn't suit the young blonde, the Riddle boy had nearly know this boy 2 days but something in him was changing and it was because of this stupid little boy, who had the nerve to kiss him out of know where and he realised he didn't hate it 'what's happening to me'

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