Alright... Change of Plans

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      Hey everybody! Sorry for kind of telling a white lie in yesterday's update. I was kind of in a rush to type something out for an update and didn't want to explain everything there. 

       Alright, so, the main reason that I delayed the chapter was because I had a decision to make about a possibly better way to handle the rewrite. As it turns out, when I got into the planning phase of the rewrite, I realized that this was going to take me a lot longer than expected. My deadline was February 23rd, and there was no way I was going to hit that goal without overworking myself.

         In order to combat this, I thought of several ways to reschedule this whole ordeal. My first thought was that I would just continue to write new chapters while simultaneously rewriting the story, but that solution had it's own problems. First of all, that is too much work to get done in a timely manner,  and second of all, due to the amount of stuff that the rewrite changes, the new chapters wouldn't matter in the end anyways.

         My new solution, and the one I chose to go with, sounds a lot more extreme, but it helps me to get the rewrite done faster.

         On Tuesday, February 9th, irReplaceable will resume it's normal two updates a week schedule, updating every Tuesday and Friday. However, the nature of the updates will change. Every update day, I will be republishing 5 chapters, all rewritten, and deleting the old versions. I hope that you find that to be a good compromise considering how unreliable I've been these past few weeks.

          Why did I choose this schedule? Well, as I've said, this rewrite will change a lot, and I was going to encourage all of you to go reread the story after I was done with the rewrite. In the end, you would've ended up rereading anyways, so I hope the delay on the story moving forward doesn't hurt to bad. Like I said though, new chapters probably wouldn't have mattered in the end though since they would need rewritten too.

          Alright, I've said my peace. See you all on Tuesday!

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