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rosie's pov.

we arrived at the coast guard station and jumped off the boat. i was honestly really excited to see what the key was. hopefully it lead to treasure or something, that would make my summer way less boring. we walked in and were met with a whole lot of people screaming. as we walked past i overheard the people's screams,
"diabetes in canines is a major issue!" "diabetes for a dog? come on!" i rolled my eyes at the ridiculous things they were saying, and continued walking to the other side of the counter. there was a man there who was having a very loud conversation with the woman who was complaining about her dogs diabetes.

we stood around the counter, waiting for our turn to speak. i walked over to jj and leaned my head on his shoulder as we stood.
john b finally tried to say something. "excuse me, we found a boat, you're gonna want to hear this." he tried speaking over the very angry woman but it was no use. "hey! calm down." the man at the counter yelled, getting very clearly overwhelmed. we decided that we would not be able to get our point across whatsoever because of this woman-who was still talking by the way.

jj pulled me out of the small shack, and onto the dock in front of it, which connected it with a bunch of other little stores.
"well that went well." pope sighed.
"so what's the plan? jj asked john b as we all stood around him. "i know how we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat." john b replied.
"no no, we don't know whose room that is. it could be anyones." pope immediately disagreed. without a second thought i said , "oh i'm so in." john b tossed kiara the key and me and her went over to the boat but jj's voice stopped me.

"rosie come here." he said, waving me back over to where he was. "i hope you know you're not going inside the motel right? it's way too dangerous." and while that was definitely a good idea, i was not agreeing with him in any way. "nope. i'm going. you can't
stop me. i don't wanna miss out on all the fun." i said, walking back over to the boat, where everyone was now seated. i could hear jj's huge combat boots stomping after me.

"will someone please tell rosalie that she is not allowed inside that motel." jj said, getting onto the boat. everyone looked over at me but no one said a thing. "well?" jj waited for anyone to back him up. "i think she'll be fine." john b said, and pope and kie nodded along. "well, if there's some random creepy person up there and she gets shot at or attacked, at least it won't be my fault." he shrugged. i walked over to where he was sitting and sat down next to him, "relax jj, i'm gonna be fine, plus you and john b will be there so if there is a random creepy person up there i'm sure i'll be safe."

pope and kiara both agreed to be lookout in case the cops came, so i was pretty confident that we wouldn't get in trouble.
we pulled up right next to the motel and jj docked the boat right on the dry grass. we would only have to walk up some steps and find the correct room. should be a piece of cake. "and i thought the chateu looked bad." jj said. "motel or meth lab?" kie asked. "100% a meth lab" i answered and everyone snickered. i jumped off the boat and lead the two boys onto the property and up the stairs of the very gross motel. "john b give me the key please." i said, reaching my hand backwards to get it from him. the boys were too busy to hear what i was saying because of their conversation about why john b hasn't macked kie yet. so i turned around and they both bumped into me.

"sorry rosie what were you saying?" john b asked, as we stood at what was hopefully the correct door. "the key please" i stuck out my hand once again. i checked the room number on the key and the door, and they matched up. as i was about to open the door, jj stopped me. "hey hey, let me check if there really is no creepy people before you go in." i stepped back for him to examine the door or whatever it is he wanted to do to feel important.

he knocked and said in a high pitched voice, "housekeeping." i laughed as he took the key from me and opened the door. "he held it open for me and john b as we walked into the room. the air was dusty as i walked it, the room smelled like pure dirt. you could even see the thousands of dust particles floating around the room. it was gross. "i'll check the bag, see if there a name on there somewhere." john b spoke, as me and jj walked further into the room. i decided to check the bathroom while jj stood around the desk. i walked in and nothing looked out of the ordinary. i don't think the person who is staying in this room even came in here.

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