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𝑅𝑂𝑆𝐴𝐿𝐼𝐸 𝐸𝑉𝐴𝑁𝑆 was a pogue. She was born and raised in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. She loved being a pogue. Getting to surf every day, basically living in the water, being tan all year round. She loved it, and the Outer Banks loved her. She knew everyone, and everyone knew her.

People mostly knew her from being the "abandoned child" of the island. They called her that because growing up, she had quite the traumatic childhood.

She was raised by her grandmother, Nana June. Everybody on the island knew Nana June or, Nana Junie as JJ would call her. Nana June has been Rosalie's legal guardian since she was 3 years old.

Rosalie, or Rosie if you were her friend, Posie if you were JJ. Had a pretty bad start at life. When she was just 2 months old, her father, Jeremy, left her and her mother one day, just completely out of the blue. He left the house one day and never came back. He left a single note on the kitchen counter that said "Goodbye" on it. No explanation at all.

Her mother, Alexa, on the other hand, got severely depressed when her husband left her and her infant child, all alone. So, Alexa did the only thing she could think of, leave. Just like her husband did. She left Rosie at Nana June's doorstep without a single word.

Rosie was in and out of foster homes, up until the age of 3, when her Nana finally became her legal guardian, and has been ever since.

To this day, Nana June and Rosie have absolutely no idea where her parents are, if they are alive at all. Rosie has never gotten an explanation from her mother or father, as she has never spoken to them in her life.

Nana June wants more than anything to give Rosie an explanation, but she doesn't have one either.

There has only been one thing that has kept her happy all these years. Her friends. The pogues.

John B, Pope, JJ and Kiara, or Kie as they all called her. They were her happiness. Especially JJ, who she has had a thing for since the 4th grade. She met JJ, John B and Pope in 3rd grade when they got assigned a group project together in class. They decided to do the project on Friendship. Quite ironic actually, as they didn't even know each other. Ever since then, they have been closer than ever.

Kiara came into the friend group nearly 2 years ago. It was hard for Rosie to accept her at first, as she had been the only girl for years. But after getting to know the girl, she very quickly grew fond of her.

That's it. Those are the Pogues. Rosalie's happiness

hey y'all!
yes, i chose to rewrite the story. it just wasn't really going the way i wanted it to with the old storyline.
hope y'all enjoyed☺︎︎
now time for part 1!

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