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"I'm sorry, what?" I said, looking in Pope's direction. There's no way there's a boat in the marsh. Nothing that exciting happens around here and if everyone found out they would all go crazy.

"Shut up." John B says, probably thinking it's another one of Pope's jokes.

I decide to go over to were he's standing to see for myself. Turns out he was right. There actually is a boat down there.

"Holy shit, you guys he's serious." I said, waving everyone over. I stared down at the boat in confusion as a thousand questions raced through my mind. However, I was distracted by everyone jumping into the water.

"Come on Rosie, you really don't wanna miss this." Kie yelled from the water, as everyone stared at me.

I looked down at my knee, which was still bleeding. A lot. Then I looked at the water, and my friends floating in it. It's just a bad cut, I'll be fine. Fuck it.

I jumped in without a second thought and could hear my friend's laughter from above me. I swam up and over to JJ, to hold on to his shoulders for support while I felt my knee stinging.

I pushed the pain aside and grabbed JJ's hand, swimming down to investigate the mysterious boat. We swam all the way down quickly, and began looking around. It was a very ordinary boat. Quite small, but probably really expensive.

We didn't find anything in there besides a few fish swimming around with us, which I found pretty entertaining.

I couldn't hold my breath any longer, so I swam up to get some air. Everyone else was still down there and I wondered how they could hold their breaths for so long.

Everyone finally came up to the surface, with excited looks on their faces.

"You guys saw that right?" JJ said, looking at all of us with a very excited grin on his face. His question was met with very excited nods from me and everyone else. This was one of the most boring places ever, so to find something like this is extremely rare. "That's a Grady White, a new one of those is like 500Gs, easy." JJ said.

Holy shit guys what do we do? I mean should we fish it out?" I asked, because I was very confused and still very shocked that we found such thing. Then Pope looked at me and started shaking his head, and thats when I knew the lesson was about to start.

"No Rosalie, we are not going to fish it out. Because when you say "fish it out" you mean with a fishing pole right? An average Grady White weighs around 3,000 pounds, therefore we wouldn't be able to "fish it out" because the fishing pole would snap almost immediately. If we wanted to fish it out properly we would have to-"

"Alright Pope, thank you, that was very educational now can we please listen to the not so smart idea that I know these idiots probably have?" I say, pointing to JJ and John B who looked like they were about to burst with excitement.

"Alright fine but I will be telling you the rest of that information later ok?" Pope told me. I was actually kinda interested in what he had to say so I agreed with a simple head nod. "Alright boys, carry on." Pope nodded towards the boys.

"Before you two say anything..." I interrupted, "Can we please get out of the water, because my knee is still bleeding."

"Yeah yeah come on." JJ said swimming over to me. We all swam over to the boat and JJ helped me climb on, before he continued what he has been wanting to say for the past 10 minutes now. "That's a primo rig." he said, grabbing my hand to help pull himself up and onto the boat.

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