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rosalie's pov

"well thank god." i whispered, still making sure to talk quietly. i heard a sigh of relief from both of the boys and kie and pope below us. we climbed downs the rain pipe along the wall in order to get down, and let me tell you, it was harder than it looks. we walked over to
the boat, and we were off.

"you could've warned us a little sooner, you know." jj said

"yeah we would've but pope was on the math team" kiara said as she rolled her eyes.

"yeah well so was rosalie." pope added

"yes i was. and it was fun wasn't it pope?" i said, throwing my arm around his shoulder.

"yes it was. but anyways, the cops took everything like it was a crime scene. did you guys find anything good?" pope asked

"did we find anything?" jj laughed as he pulled out the gun and 2 stacks of money he took from the motel room. i knew it was a bad idea, but there is not much you can say to convince jj to do something smart for once. i rolled my eyes in my spot beside him so he could see and know that i'm annoyed, because he doesn't cop on to emotions as easily as most.

"hey hey, posie quit rolling your eyes, i know you want some of this cash money." he said. "yes jj, i want cash money but i don't want the money we randomly found in some random hotel room that probably belongs to some random person that will find out we took it and randomly come murder us in our sleep to get it back."

"well now we know how rosie feels about this. never heard a person use the word random so many times in one sentence. god." john b laughed. "wow rose, do you need a blunt or something? because i have one in my back pocket if you-"

"give it to me please john b." i reached out for it as he took it out of his pocket, along with a lighter.

i don't cope very well with stressful situations, and this is an extremely stressful situation. millions of questions swarmed my mind as i stared out at the water as we made our way to the marina on the boat. who's money is this? who's hotel room did we break into? where are they?

we find some of other friends sitting at the marina, so we went and said hello. our conversations were interrupted by the harbor police and paramedics pulling scooter grubbs' body on a stretcher and into a coroner van. i knew scooter because my nana often helped his wife, lana, with gardening. i wondered if the others knew him, and my question was answered when john b quietly asked "who's that?"

one of our friends answered as we saw lana grubbs run up to her husbands lifeless body and sob. it was heartbreaking, really. i felt awful and made a mental note to make sure to tell nana and bake lana some cookies.

"that's scooter grubbs." our friend answered, "he was out during the storm."

"check out this pic i got, dead body." she did a weird voice as she showed us the picture.

"what kind of boat did he have?" jj questioned.

"somehow, that douchebag copped a brand new grady white." she answered back

my hand immediately went to cover my mouth as i made eye contact with jj, who also had wide eyes. i looked around as everybody had pretty much the same expression as me and j. terrified.

we quickly said our goodbyes and sped back to the chateau, where panic ensued, but pope was really the only one doing the major panicking. i had my blunt so i was ok. jj sat beside me, with his arm around the couch behind us. i think he knew i was kinda nervous about this whole thing, so he sat with me. i'm very calm now and i can't tell if it's because i'm extremely high or because he's here. probably the latter though.

after about an hour of weighing out the pros and cons of the situation and keeping the money, we decided to just throw a party, which i suggested. now i don't know if i'm in the right mind to make suggestions right now, but they agreed anyways. before the kegger, i had to go ask nana june for permission. i hadn't seen her all day, so hopefully she'll let me go.

i told everyone i was going next door to ask, and jj insisted to come with me.

"you know your gonna have to pretend to not be high out of your mind for nana to let you go, right?" he laughed as he held onto my arm to make sure i didn't stumble. i don't usually get high, so i'm pretty inexperienced, which is when this happens. i'm usually pretty good at hiding it from nana though.

"yes j, i know, i've got this." i said.

"mhm, i'm sure you do." he sighed as he pushed the door open. nana was in the kitchen so i straightened up super quickly.

"hi dears, how are y'all doing?" nana asked as she filled up a glass with water. she walked over to the couch and turned on the tv, not even giving us a second glance.

"hey nana, how are you today? i feel like i haven't seen you in ages." jj said as he walked over to the kitchen and got himself a glass of orange juice.

"i saw you yesterday night jj, really hasn't been long." nana chuckled. she's in a good mood so here i go.

"hey nana? i have a question." i put on my extra sweet voice just to persuade her even more.

"uh oh, here we go. what do you need?" she answered with a sigh. i could hear jj snickering from the kitchen.

"well, john b decided to throw a party tonight at the boneyard, and i was wondering if i could go? just for an hour or two?" i asked, and it was only partly a lie. i suggested the party, but nana doesn't need to know that. little white lie.

"jj, will you watch her?" she looked over to the boy, still sipping on his orange juice. he nodded solemnly and said "yes nana, she'll be back home by midnight."

"nana, i can watch myself you know, but sure. i shrug. "i know dear, but i feel better knowing that jj is there with you." she smiles.

"so it's a yes?" i smile.

"yes dear, you can go?"

i run up and give her a big kiss on the cheek. "thanks nana, love you. i'll go change and then we can go, i promise i'll be good" i nod.

party at the boneyard is a go.

y'all honestly i forgot all about this story i'm so sorry lmao 😭
i promis i'll try to update more regularly, i'm just super busy with school is all.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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