On Shiny Things

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I always get excited when I get something in the mail. I love, love, love getting big packages. Though, a big part of me is always irritated that Amazon wastes so much cardboard for like 2 things, another smaller part of me, is very happy to see a big box with my name on it. 

I am a shiny things person. 

It should be no surprise that my love language is gift giving, and touch, but that's part of the gift giving for me. 

I like to say I am not materialistic, but god am I a liar. I have such a stupid sentimentality towards the randomest things (I haven't thrown out a single card I've received. I have. Every. Single. One), and its so bizarre. I force myself to throw some things away, obviously, otherwise I would be drowning in random shit I don't need. But, I feel like every time I do, that I'll need it later. Its dumb, I know, but the paranoia is real and pressing my friend.

Anyway, I like gift giving, but I suck ass at it. The people I want to give things to, I never know what to give them. Take my family, for example. I don't know what their favorite scents are, or whether they like cotton or wool, or what they need for the upcoming year. But, I like seeing them open up stuff from me, its always fun. I wish I was more perceptive, that I noticed things about people. I used to try and jot stuff down in my notes app, but then I'd forget and be right back at square one. Or my friend(s), I have no idea what music she likes, or what clothes she has on her wish list. I'm more mad at myself, than anything else, but what can I do. 

Back to the topic at hand, I am a shiny things person. I like getting things that are shiny, not in the literal sense (obviously, I'm not that gaudy), but in a figurative way. Things that have meaning are shiny, and things that don't are dull. I like knowing that something someone gave me, has a reason to it. Some part of that present reminded them of me, and that makes it shiny. I like knowing that people are thinking of me, that I'm not forgotten, you know? I feel so clingy, reading that back, but its true. 

I try to get people shiny things, even if they don't get it. Intent > impact, in this case ONLY. But I am also super impatient, so often times the shiny things are only shiny to me, cause I haven't spent enough time, making the shine clear to the recipient. Which kinda ruins the fun of gift giving, but still. In my mind, I'm letting them know I was thinking of them, even if its just a coffee or some breakfast food. Shiny things. Yeah :)

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