On Annoying my Friend

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Do you guys have that one friend? Like the friend that's super quiet and just utterly observant and then when she says something its really smart or super funny....but the exact opposite. Yeah that's one of my really close friends from school. Now this idiot, let's see I've known her since I was in like 7th grade(???) I think. And yeah she's a genuine piece of crap, but I honestly wouldn't survive without her. She's the type of person that you can never tell where you stand with them. She's so indifferent to everything, it's kinda hilarious. Anyway, I absolutely adore her cause of that, and I think deep deep down in her shriveled little soul she loves me a whole lotta. Cause idk it's the small things she does, like one time I got upset cause I thought my moronic sister died and she was sitting there and cracking jokes and just generally being her but it helped calm me down a lot. Also I very strangely trust her a lot, liek I was having these issues with a person and I was telling her and she was useful (it sounds very dry, but trust me, it was just a little less dry than I described it here). And then, when I accidentally sent a screenshot of the number of views I had on this story (I'M SO HAPPY ABOUT THIS!! I'M DORKY BUT WHATEVER!! THANKS FOR READING THIS CRAP WHOEVER YOU ARE!!!) to this group chat she's in, she found my story and then started reading it, even though I told her very explicitly not to. And she actually read it, that's what surprised me. She doesn't seem like the type to care about a lot of things, but she did and that made me a little happy on the inside cause yeah....this is important to me. But anyway.....

So now I'm doing this thing where I literally sit there and profess my undying love for her, and the funny part is, she's basically aromantic and so am I and she just kinda sits there with this face like she's so done with me and...it is...THE. BEST. THING. EVER. No, but I'm actually risking my life by doing this, she's so freaking violent, I stg. She's so violent that when I started just saying I love you on the bus, this little hoe pushed me off the seat and yeah I love her. So this was my appreciation message to her cause I'm not gonna stop doing this. I plan on doing this until senior year, let's see. 

Anyway if you're reading this I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

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