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Okay so this won't make much sense if u don't watch once upon a time. So if u don't watch its basically a re telling of the classic fairy tales except the evil queen hates Snow White cause she thinks snow was the cause of her boyfriends death. So yah, and Snow White has a daughter. Anyway, in the show Robin Hood has a son named Roland, who's like 5 or 6. His mom dies cause the evil queens half sister crushes her heart (see how ridiculous this all sounds omygosh). And then the boyfriend of that half sister (who is Hades by the by) wipes Robin Hood out of existence.
So this leaves Robin's kid, Roland, an orphan. And then his dad's "true love" kinda abandons Roland and leaves him with his dads friends. Like whattt, shouldn't u take care of him. It's not just him though. Once every character in this show finds their true love they kinda ignore everybody else. I have yet to meet a character who is focused solely on their kid. Also why does true love have to be romantic, why can't it be platonic. I just want one, ONE platonic true love. Is that really too much to ask for.
I actually kinda hate Snow cause she and all the others kinda see the world as black and white or light and dark magic. Like wgat... Life isn't just good and bad. There are gray areas. But nope, everything is either good or bad, and if u do something even remotely wrong then ur tainted with the "darkness" and ur on the path towards evil. So if I take somebody's cookie does that mean I'm gonna become a serial killer....NOOO!! But that's honestly how they make it sound sometimes.
All said and done, this is hands down my favorite show and I'm just kinda pissed that I can't watch the new season. So yah....ITS A GR8 SHOW AND U ALL SHOULD WATCH IT!!!!!!

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