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It's been a while. A long long while.

I've made the decision to repost what I had so far for this fic. The reason behind me taking it down in the first place was simply to overhaul the entire thing, but I came to the conclusion that I should just let this relic have it's moment.

Is this fic ever going to be updated?

. . .possibly.
Long story short, I plan on posting a new version of this story, doing a complete overhaul of the entire fic and tidying up the loose ends that my tiny 15 year old brain couldn't fathom back in the day. I genuinely love this concept and I enjoy revisiting it from time to time, and while other content has gotten me wrapped around their finger(s), I'm still a sucker for Michael Myers and the Halloween franchise!

Coming back and re-reading the comments and seeing the love makes me feel such a rush of nostalgia. I missed it so much, and hopefully I can better articulate my intent within my story telling now that so much time has passed.

Love you all!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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