Chapter 2

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SORRY FOR THE MAJOR TIME SKIP! I needed to get this one up and I haven't a clue where or what was going to happen between then and now in this story. Let's just go with Michael did some more crap and showed Michae his ways and now they are where they are.


Chapter 2

October 31, 2004

Haddenfield, Illinois



Dr. Loomis paced around his office. He knew that Michael was out there somewhere; planning his revenge on the town of Haddenfield for what happened in the past. And his daughter, she was learning his ways. Seeing what he was doing and picking up on his habits.

Michae was going to grow into a smart child, no doubt. But, she was going to be smart in the sense that she wouldn't have a clue on how to act civilized and wind up in the same boat her father was and is in.

He didn't was to believe it to be true. Not one bit. But it was practically inevitable.

Michae was going to be just like Michael.

A clone in almost all ways, shapes, or forms she could. It was a horrific thought, but one that wasn't going to be thrown away just like a piece of garbage.

Still, Loomis pondered what kind of agaony her victims would go through if she wasn't stopped. And tonight was no acception.

It was Halloween and was the night that Michael would come out. Whether it be to scan the area for new victims or stalk and kill his prey, he was going to come out one way or another. Everyone was dreading it, yet, the one who absolutely couldn't stand the thought was Dr. Loomis. He has been chasing the monster down for years upon years and still hasn't gotten justice.

As he let his old eyes peer out the window to his office, he watched the wind blow slightly.

"After all these years...tonight you'll finally be brought back to where you belong, Michael. We know where you are. I just hope that you haven't any grief to give us when we find you..."



Michael paused momentarily at the little voice who always called out to him from across the room. His head turned ever so slightly from the window to gaze over his right shoulder. He let his younger form speak for him.


Michae poked her head around the corner and, with her good left eye, stared at Michael. When she was three, she was in playing with some toys that Michael had found for her, and fell into a glass table, scrapping her eye causing there to be a permanent scar on her eye. "Where are you going tonight?"

Michael, now masked, was fully facing his daughter. The young voice beside him spoke. "You don't have to be concerned, all you have to do is stay here and stay safe."

The girl bowed her head a little when Michael walked towards her. He knelt and gently lifted her chin. The look that took over him was one that was soft and normal to Michae. Unlike Michael's many victims, she was given the satisfaction of seeing his more soft and caring side.

"You have nothing to worry about, Michae. I'll be fine...and so will you..." The young Michael told her.

Michae slowly nodded as she began to think about her doubts. Michael nodded back and gave her a look that said that everything would be fine. Michae trusted her father. She's learned how to control everything that she possesed and knew that Michael wouldn't do anything to harm her. She was his daughter. He would never harm her in anyway, shape, or form.

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