Living with your girlfriend

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Veronica's POV

Outside the classroom

Wait, what the fuck just happened with Stacy? I'm trying to wrap my brain around it but damn! And I can see that Luke was badly affected by it, seeing as how he had a panic attack and burged out of the classroom. I decided to go after him.

"I did something very bad Veronica", he could barely stand.

"What did you do Luke?" I knitted my eyebrows.

"I'm the one who got Stacy suspended"

"Wait what, how?"

"I went to the headmaster's office and gave an anonymous tip", he confessed.

"Lucas why did you do it, you know stacy wouldn't cheat", I spoke.

"Well, I don't know that! She told me she hadn't studied, then she got a hundred, that's too suspicious for my liking".

"Luke, have you ever seen Stacy's test papers? Like have you ever really really seen them or all along you have just been infatuated by your own marks to care about hers. Luke, Stacy is a freaking genius! She always, gets like one of the highest marks in all tests we write, but I guess she kept her high marks away from you and now l guess we can all see why!"

"Veronica I..."

"The investigation will prove Stacy innocent, but you have to come clean, you have to tell her that yours the one who reported to the headmaster!"

"What I can't do that!"

"Yes you can, you have to!"

"Oh, you mean like the same way you came clean to Blake about the fact that he wasn't your first? Or about the fact that you have been fucking Jayden behind everyone's back-"

"Luke you know that's different-"

"Veronica, you see all the time that I keep all your secrets? Yeah, this is the time where you have to keep one of mine!"

Blake's POV

Living with your girlfriend is not entirely glitz and glamour. I mean you get to see all bad habits of your girlfriend up close and personal and she gets to frame you for bad habits you don't have or worse. Examine exhibit one...

"Blake, how many times do I have to tell you, don't squeeze the tooth paste from the middle of the tube, squeeze it from the end, it makes it appear more pretty that way",

"Your toothpaste is not a museum where everyone comes to see and admire it so who cares if its pretty or not", I said. Girls.

" I care, clearly! " she said.

"Babe, find a better way to get my attention", I said.

She laughed hysterically as if she'd heard the joke of the century.

" Your attention ", she rolled her eyes. " Please! I'm just mentioning the toothpaste thingy because its a bad habit and if you continue it, what else would you start squeezing from the middle", she said. Of course she wasn't gonna finish the statement without adding a dash of flirting.

"Bad habit?  Well what about you, how many times do I have to tell you not to brush your hair before bed everyday, by the time you are done, I would have lost my libido" I said.

" You workout before bed sometimes and then when its time to do something productive, you'll be too tired", she said.

"You put your clothes back on after sex! Who does that?", I complained.

" Well, you leave the toilet seat up every time you use the bathroom ", Veronica complained.

" You leave your hair in the shower every time you take a bath", I complained.

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