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After school

I went over to Luke's house and when I saw him, he was sitting at the door, holding a baseball bat.

"Uh,hey, babe..." I spoke. "You've missed five days of school straight, that's unacceptable Luke!

"Well, someone has got to look after my mom"

"Well, your aunt is here, plus that nurse who comes everyday, it's gonna be fine, babe!" I tried. "Hey, how long have you been sitting here?"

"He hasn't moved since Monday when his mom came home"

"Yeah, how is she by the way?"

"She can see alright, but her jaw is still badly damaged. She can't eat, talk, she can only stare or sleep",Aunt Mick replied.

"Hey, babe, loosen up, those thugs aren't gonna come back"

"What if they do come back, to finish the job, I have to look after my mom", he spoke. I kneeled in front of him.

"Luke, I understand,but listen, nothing is gonna happen to your mom again. Your aunt is here, I'm here, Blake is here, the Sherrif is regularly on patrol, the entire town is on lookout, it's gonna be fine", I spoke.


"Luke, you promised me you weren't gonna do this. You said you were gonna take care of me too and the baby... ", I lowered my voice. "Right now I don't really feel taken care of, especially if you just keep sitting in this chair, all day, thinking some thugs are gonna show up in broad daylight to finish the job".

"Right, you're right, I'm sorry", he got up.

"Okay, so why don't you go take a shower, I have this idea I wanna run by you", I proposed.

"Okay", he wanted to kiss me.

"Nope, shower first", I pated him on the chest. Then he want upstairs. I sat on the kitchen stool were his aunt was, unfortunately.

"You too are so cute", his Aunt stated.

"Uh, thanks", I spoke.

"So, how long have you two been together?"

"Um, like four years", i spoke.

"Four years straight?"

"Mostly, he is the love of my life"

"Luke is so handsome, you're very lucky to have him", his Aunt spoke.

"Uh, thanks", I knitted my eyebrows.

"Not that you aren't, pretty, you're pretty too", she spoke. Wait I can't tell whether I'm being flattered or condescended.

"So, how long have you been pregnant?"

I coughed and stuck my eyes out.

"Excuse me?" I gave a piercing stare.

"Sorry. Did I say pregnant? I don't know where that came from, I think I'm probably just thinking about sex", ehe spoke.

Well this got more awkward quick!

"Speaking of sex, are you guys, sexualy active? I mean, I got here the other morning, and you were coming downstairs as if you know, you had spent the night", she spoke.

Wait what the fuck!

"Listen, I'm sorry, but respectfully, I don't think it's any of your business", I kept a smile, to make her feel, better".

"Well it is if it involves my nephew", she spoke.

"And that's my cue", I got off the stool so I could leave. Then suddenly, she got ahold of my hand.

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