You Up? Bitch

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Friday: One a.m

"U up?"  Jayden texted me. Those three letters could tend to mean so much. U up? I replied.

"Yeah, l just woke up"

I replied nervously making sure l wasn't making a typing error or anything.  He replied...

"Good coz l just saw the light in your room switch on..."

"Good, because l just saw the light in your room switch on...?" I read his text aloud. WAIT WHAT!!! I got out of the blankets and peered through the curtains. I saw Jayden's car parked near the road.

"Jayden, what are you doing here?"

I texted him.

"I couldn't sleep so I just decided to go for a drive and ended up here. Get your butt down here, l can't leave without seeing you?"

What! Is it possible that he missed me so much to the extent of coming here at midnight. I wondered. Biting my lip.

"Its really dark, I will just see you tomorrow at school?"

"Vee, please, l know you can't resist me!"

I laughed. What makes him so confident. I can totally resist him. But I'll just be nice and go downstairs, because I'm nice.

"If I come make sure its worth it", l texted.

Was that too much? Should l delete it and send something simple. Why am l freaking out. Should l delete that. God, l started breathing heavily, why is my heart suddenly pounding. Why is it hot in here? My phone beeped.

" Of course"


Woh he called me queen! Am l like some kind of Queen in his eyes. Does he find me attractive? Of course I'm attractive. Does he have like me now? Wohh... Vee, too much. I got into my slippers and a jacket then I sneaked out of the house. l went and knocked on the window of his red car. My favourite colour. He opened the door for me from the inside. I got in.


"hie", l sat in the front.

"Sorry for bothering you so late  but l just needed someone to talk to" he said.

"No, its totally cool", l said "You weren't at school today? is anything wrong?"

"Jasmine broke up with me yesterday, again", he said. His eyes were all red and his cheeks. Jayden was crying. oh my gosh. Jayden was... CRYING... HOT!!. I have never seen a guy cry in my whole life. I literally have never seen a guy crying before, especially Jayden's type, l thought.

I'm guessing, the 'l love you 's didn't go a s planned'.

"So you got me out if my house to bitch and moan after Jasmine dumps you.

"Why couldn't I say it back Veronica?".

Honestly, Jayden confuses me, one moment he has sex with me, then we kiss then he acts like we are enemies the he gets me a Valentine's then he is this cool chill guy, then he rejects me because he loves Jasmine, the Jasmine tells him he loves him, then he can't say it back to her? What the hell.

"Hey come on, don't be like this you know jasmine..."

"Is the most amazing girl in the world" he said. l frowned. He sounded drunk.

"Yeah, that too-" l said that but it wasn't heartfelt. l didn't like the fact that Jayden was praising Jasmine in my face, l meant l wasn't particularly a fan of Jasmine, not that l was jealous that Jayden was into her or anything but. God, why am l confusing myself for no reason? Having this convo with Jayden was kinda, okay a lot weird for me.

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