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I just like the picture. Luka is the red brown haired boy holding the triplet demon doll like things.

There was once a boy named Luka.

He was an orphan and wonders around town being as careful as he could to avoid dangerous strangers. He is not so bright in acknowledging his surroundings, but he should be careful where he walking.


He fell down a manhole/drainage thing/I forgot the name... whatever.

It took 30 minutes until Luka had finally landed on the ground or... someone.

"What the bloody!-. . . huh. A little kid fell from the sky. Weird if you ask me. Hey Finnian! Meyrin! We have a little guest with us!" 

Meyrin pov

"Awe, isn't he just the cutest little guy?"

"Where did you find him Bard?"

"Well to be exact, he fell from the sky. I don't really know where he came from, but to me it looks like he is an orphan."

"What is going on here? We are supposed to have a guest soon here."



"I found this lost boy outside. He fell from the sky, and we don't where his family is."

"Who are you people?"

"Hello there little boy! My name is Meyrin and this is Finnian."

"You do realize that the young boy Bard found is blind."

"He is?"

"My name is Luka! This surface feels so soft. Is this what a bed is supposed to feel like?"

"I suppose so. Do you know where your family is?"

"I am unsure. Is there any nearby family that would gladly adopt me?"

"Oh can we Mr. Sebastian? We promise to take super care of him."

"Yes, please please please. We promise that he won't be a problem to our jobs."

"I guess it is to the young master to decide that. If he-"

"Why not? Let's see how responsible you people would be in the care of the blind little boy. Just make sure he doesn't bother with my work and lessons."

"Are you sure young lord?"

"Don't question me. We have a guest coming soon. Now get to work, you are wasting precious time. Also, I am upset with you for not letting me have sweets."

"Is there anything I could do? I could try and help with the cleaning like mopping. Or I can help with watering the garden."

Author pov

Later, they created a stone garden. Next, they have the normal jobs for preparations.

"Sebastian. I found them. Wah." Meyrin said as she tripped with a bunch of boxes in her hands. Luckily, Sebastian saved the boxes that Meyrin was carrying.

"What we doing with the boxes again?" Luka said with a box in his hands.

"I will take that while you follow Finny around."

"Okay!" Luka said as he grabbed onto Finny's pant leg.

When dinner arrived, Bard, Finny, Tanaka, and Luka were hiding in a bush. Meyrin had spilled wine on the dinner cloth, but it was saved by Sebastian who caught it before the guest noticed the wine.

"There was dirt that I don't want you to see."

A few hours later after the Italian guest left to take a call.

"Stay away from me."

"That's odd. Was that our guest that I just heard?"

"Hey! We need to move this or Sebastian will start yelling at us again."


The portrait was carried more to some location. Then, there was a sudden noise at the staircase.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Our guest! Something happened!"

The Italian crawled to somewhere away from the stairs.

"Sir. Um... sir. Come back."

"What is he scared of? Are there any specters nearby?"

"I am unsure either."

"What is a specter?"

"A specter is a ghost Finny."

After the portrait was carried to its location, Finny, Bard, and Luka were to clean the furnace/stove/something with coal but not a fireplace.

There was a yell.

"What was that?"

Bard and Finny didn't bother with the cause of the yell after Sebastian gave them a pie. 

When everyone were getting ready to go to sleep, there could be a distance yell of a "Mamma Mia."

The story would be following the anime season 1 and season 2 so that Alois would get the chance to meet with Luka.

Also, Grell would mostly be called a he. Luka would call Grell a she due to the reason of being blind and respecting Grell's wishes. 

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