Present Shopping

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The Talbot camera got an image with Luka.

"What it show?"

"Well, it got a picture of you. I guess since you are blind there isn't much of another living being to show in the photo with you. Possibly a shadow to replace it but I don't know."


It was the opening of the Frost Fair.

Lizzy, Paula and I were searching for a present for Ciel's upcoming birthday.

"My lady, my lady, slow down."

"If you want to gift Ciel a present, then shouldn't it be in the heart? You only turn a year once."

"You are right, but Ciel is going into his teens soon. I just wander what present I could give him that he would like."

"A precious memory from childhood?"

Paula bought bells.

"Jingle jingle!"

I was searching for gifts for my friends for... Christmas... I don't celebrate it, but I have heard of it.

Currently, I have rope I hope is strong for Pluto, Bard has a cook book along with lollipops for the after smoke, and Meyrin has some hair clips or pins. I have a red dress, but I don't know where Grell lives. I am hoping that Ciel doesn't have these books by Wilkie Collins.

Also, I was hoping to find a wooden toy maker to craft a bird for Finny and a cat for Sebastian.

I am waiting for another day to find presents for Lizzy and Paula.

"I think I know what to give Ciel."

"What is it?"

"It is a Noah's Ark toy by the Funtom when Ciel and I were kids. There were only 3 made."

"What were the colors?"

"Oh the colors were... Hey, this is a fake. I remember the colors to be more brighter than this. I can't believe I almost got this fake toy. Oh well, I guess I could find some sweets or a good mystery novel he would enjoy. To the book and sweets shop! Then we can find that toy maker you wanted to craft some gifts for two of your friends!"

After visiting to get a book and some sweets, we went to find a toy shop.

However, I found some ring in the snow. I put it in my pocket and heard music that was played earlier by someone or a music box. I can't tell.

We have met with a toymaker, but I am unsure if he would let us go.

Lizzy pov

I tried to protect Luka from the strange man coming towards us, but I had no idea what to do when my vision became black.

Once my vision came back, Luka was no where to be.

Grell pov

It was a beautiful night, and I was off to do my job as a deadly efficient reaper.

"Oh my, a man looking for love? My heart is pitter pattering. I am a hunter of love, and at last, I am going to hunt my prey. Red is the color of passion, and I am flaming. A gorgeous man right there." 

I was disappointed that the little brat with the demon was here. Oh well, I explained my reason for being here. I was a bit jealous that the brat get the handsome men. 

When they started to run away somewhere, I followed. 

We arrived to some toy shop. There was a castle mansion behind it.

"Fine Grell. Protect me and I will grant you any request."

"You don't think that I am the type of woman that you could just pay with money."

"I'll give Sebastian for a day. You can do anything you want with him."

"Huh? Sebastian and whatever I want to do. Even kissing!" 

"It that is what you want."

"Does that mean I could use tongue?!"

"Do anything you please with him."

I was extremely happy with this rare offer, even if it is with this brat. 

I am sure going to be tired of taking care of these dolls. It is worst when this mutt isn't doing anything.

At least after sometime I could meet up with my one and only Bassy.

Pluto pov

I have no idea what is happening, but I guess they are going to find this Lizzy.

When the doors were open by the "butler" everyone else arrived to see a fake doll of my . . . Master? I don't know, this doesn't even look close to my master.

"Wait a second! Luka is somewhere in this place. We were out to find a toymaker before this mess."

"Why was Luka with you this entire day?"

"You agreed that Luka and I could hangout today. Even the servants agreed with you."

Ciel pov

////Flash back\\\\

I was doing paperwork for the queen as usual.

"Ciel! I am happy to see you today. You know what is coming up next month?"

"Let me guess. The month where Santa Claus comes to give out presents to children."

I started to remember the time when I was told "Santa Claus wasn't real" but someone.

On that day when I was younger, Santa Claus came to put presents under the tree. 

I was happy during that day and it proved someone wrong.

(↑It was Tanaka dressed as Santa Claus during this Christmas moment ↑

For the people who don't believe in Santa Claus explanation.)

"Close enough. I was wondering if Luka can join me in some holiday shopping. I asked the others if he could join in the shopping spree, and they agreed."

"Sure why not. I don't mind. Just make sure nothing bad happens."

"Master, I have your tea and cake for today."

"You're late."

"I am never late."


"Oh yeah, I did agreed to that. Sebastian, help us find Luka. That is an order. 

It was a long run, but we finally found Luka. 

Problem is, there was a demon protection around him.

Pluto had the key to enter the building.

Sebastian was a demon, so can't enter.

I suppose my contract to him wouldn't make be available to enter. Besides, how am I supposed to jump that high of a room with no stairs but a barred window. 

Lizzy was sleepy due to the event.

"Luka! I will save you!"

"Thanks Grell! Oh, I was wondering if I could give you an early Christ mas gift. You can't open it until December 25."

"Aw, I am sure that I will love it no matter what it is. Besides, it isn't like that little boy would even let me in the manor."

"Why is that?"

"Oh, nothing you have to be worried about. See you another day Luka! I will see to the day you, Bassy, and I will hangout on our date."

Later that day, we celebrated my birthday. 

Everyone was cheerful and it was full of happiness.

I was bored with it, but I do admit that it was a fun turn of events to make this a happy birthday for me.

"Wait a minute Luka, when is your birthday?"

"Somewhere in May last time I remember. I am a Taurus/Gemini! 

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