The Game

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Luka pov

I don't know where I am, but I do know for a fact, I am no longer at the Phantomhive Manor.

"Yeah, I don't understand what you are thinking. Why are you bringing dear Luka along on this mission to save your brat Bassy? He should be with the other servants enjoying the short life that humans have. Happy moments."

"I just feel like he is necessary is all. I will do my best to ensure he is safe."

"That doesn't make the situation of Luka or me being used any better. Ugh, I am beginning to doubt why I even bother to think romantically towards any hot man I encounter."

"So, how are you Grell?"

"It was boring and yet exciting for some. The most boring part was having to fight a demon. However, I do like the date with Bassy and getting my nails painted with a lovely shade of red. Such fun!"

"That's great!"

Alois pov

"Is that Luka down there? I thought he was dead. I saw his corpse in the burn down village."

"He is alive at the risk of becoming blind."


Grell pov

While the demons were playing the maze game, Luka and I were eating lunch. 

"Who do you think will win the maze game?"

"Bassy of course. However, the game is rigged. I just hope Will doesn't give me more paperwork that I have to deal with later. Smile for the picture, it will be the last I might see you."

Luka smiled happily in front of my camera. 

I took my final picture of Luka and returned back home so I could clean myself from that terrible explosion event. I didn't like my feelings being played with, but the flying was amazing yet painful.

"Bassy is cruel. However, I shall remember you, Luka," I said to no one as the soul Will and Ron were watching ended such as looking at the message from Bassy.

Claude pov

I was at the final stamp and told the truth. My answer was wrong, so there was a drop in the floor and I appear out of it later one.

"Back to square one, I see."

I walked towards the first stage and read the question aloud.

"Why did Luka sign a contract with Sebastian Michaelis?"

I told the truth again, it wasn't Sebastian that Luka signed a contract. It was Hannah Annafellows.

Hannah pov

"What does Claude mean?"

I told Alois the truth of my story. 

Being a demon was boring, but his brother Luka sparked something in me. I started to care for him and want him to be happy along with Alois. I shall love and cherish them with all my heart. They're both precious to me.

"Bring that boy who looks like Luka to me. I want to ask him questions."

Alois pov

After Hannah retrieved "Luka" very quickly to me, I started questioning him.

"What's your name?"


"Do you have a brother?"

"Not by blood, but I consider my close friend as one."

"Favorite flowers?"

"Bluebells. There were a lot of bluebells in a big garden outside everyone could hang out and have fun together."

"Hannah said there was a pentagram on your back. You have 1 wish, what would it be?"

"I wish for Alois Trancy to be happy!"


"It must be lonely for you. Everyone who has a connection with Ciel has friends or a person who truly cares for them. Prince Soma has Agni, Lau has his sister Ranmao, Lizzy has a caring family, and the Phantomhive servants are like family to each other despite their pasts. Before I came here, I was happy with my friends. We loved to play in the garden."

"What's your favorite game?"

"Follow the leader. The highness tells us an order and we try to accomplish it. Then it switches, but my brother was usually it."

"Could I be his highness for the game follow the leader?"


"Then my first order is to keep me company for the end of the day."

"Yes, your highness," Luka said bowing before looking up and smiling at me.

If this is a dream, then I don't want to wake up.

If this is real, then I don't want to let Luka go. 

I don't want to remember seeing Luka gone again.

Luka and I shall find happiness together.

Hannah pov

As the time ticked and the maze game went on, I thought of an idea.

I made a contract with Alois as per wish. 

It was a nice sight to see Alois be happy with Luka before the fight between Sebastian and Claude ended.

"Thank you, Hannah!"

"You're welcome, Luka."

I walked towards where Claude lie so we all could be in some form together.

Sebastian pov

Before I could get to the young master, I heard Luka for the last time.

"If I die today, then tell everyone it was nice meeting them. I hope they enjoy their lives to the end"

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