Their Happy Ending

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I completely forgot why I wrote this story.

Luka pov

As I fell off the cliff, I hear a voice. It sounds like my voice.

"Hello! Thanks for being there for my brother in his final moments! I'm Luka!"

"Hello! What are you doing here?"

"I came to switch places. While my soul shall never go into the afterlife after the switch, yours will. You get to see your old friend who reminds me of my brother."

"If we look very similar, then could we have been related by reincarnation?" 

"Probably. The year is greater than mine when living. I'm happy to see that I get to be with my brother even if he was a very close friend. It must be destiny that we are close together."

"Yeah, Jim was the best brother figure I could ever wish for."

We shook hands as we flew to who knows where...

All I know is, 

I could see shadows

Alois pov

After my soul was devoured by Hannah, I got the chance to reunite with my brother Luka.

"Luka...We finally meet, Luka!"


"We're gonna stay together forever! Hannah and Cloude are with us, too!"

"Yeah! I'm not lonely anymore!"

"That's right, no more loneliness."

"Everyone, everything, all happy!"

( ^^^ Just imagine this is a bluebell flower or search one up)

Luka pov

"Luka! Wake up! You don't want to miss breakfast you do?"


"Indeed! Breakfast my little brother."

"I thought you were recovering from that fire."

"I was, but I am healed enough. I was worried about you when I heard you were entering this hospital."

"I fell into a hole in the ground."

"Yeah, you had a pretty big fall, but you survived. You were in the hospital for a while."

"What happened there?"

"Apparently I met this boy who possessed your body, same name and similar physical looks, he was interesting. It was fun talking to him. Did you meet him before returning back?"

"Yes, he is a nice person. We might have been friends if we lived in the same timeline or something."

"I bet, we could have been in real-life twins without blood relation. A coincidence of being so similar to each other."

"Can we find a new garden after this? A garden filled with bluebells."


Alois pov

In the next life, I was Luka's older brother again. However, this time, our parents didn't die in a fire and we weren't poor. Instead, we were middle class and our parents were none other than Hannah and Claude.

"Come on brother! Let's go to the garden and play! I heard the flowers are all regrown after a fire happened."

"Yes, Luka, I will join you."

I ran after Luka happily.

"Wait up you two, we have the food prepared for the evening."

"Indeed, we are joining you two at the bluebell field."

"Aren't you supposed to be parents? Join your kids in the fun we might have or see." Thompson said to Hannah and Claude. 

"Yes, sorry for not being quick enough."

"We shall be getting ready. If we can't do much to spend our free time with the kids, then what kind of parents will we be?"

"A bad parent."

"A parent with too many responsibilities to care for others but work."

"A parent who lacks kids of their own."

Author pov

At the bluebell field, the family went to, they met with two new faces. Faces that look very similar to Alois and Luka, the sons of Hannah and Claude.

"Hello! My name is Luka! I'm mostly blind."

"Hello! My name is Jim!"

"It's nice to meet you, Alois and Luka!" the friends stated to the brothers.

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