"Okay, so, why exactly did you- uhm- steal a patient?" Liam asked, sounding disgusted.

Niall grunted from the back seat, attempting to have enough room for himself while Harry was lied over the seat.

"I didn't steal him! I was working one day, and he came in wearing a hospital gown and he looked disheveled. He asked me for a burger and he was like, not even sure what it was? I don't know, but I got it for him and I told him his total, and he said he didn't know what money was-"

"Christ-" Liam said.

"- I know. So I bought it for him and sat down with him to talk and he just kept going on and on about how he's not from here and he's from this place made of candy-"

"- like a candy land?" Niall asked.

"-right yes exactly. So I left work early and brought him to my house, gave him some clothes and let him sleep." I said.

It was silent for a minute.
"Why didn't you just take him back to the hospital?" Niall asked.

"Because I'm stupid! And when I tried to take him to the hospital he had a panic attack and wouldn't let me!" I yelled.

They both looked distraught. All of our eyes were on Harry.

"What do you need to do with him?" Niall asked.

I looked to him, questionably.

"As in- you're going to help?" I asked.

He scoffed.
"Well, don't dwell over it, but , yeah." He said, crossing his arms.

I smiled.
"I need to read his file. I hadn't read all of it, only got through the first page. I need to understand where all of this is coming from." I said.

They nodded.

"To my house?" I asked.

They both nodded.
I clicked my seat belt and started the car.


We got to the house, Liam and I walked Harry to the door, the same situation as the last time

I held Harry's pretty face, neck, and shoulders. Liam held his feet, legs and ankles.

I lied him down on the couch and ran up the stairs to get the blanket he liked most. I spread it over him and ran my fingers through his curly mess atop his head.

He was warm, and his cheeks and a light pink tint to them. His freckles dotted over the high points of his cheeks and his lips were puckered out slightly.

He's so beautiful. No one this beautiful should ever be in this amount of pain.

Liam coughed behind me, I was taken out of my trance.

"Right, sorry." I spoke, heading to the kitchen. Niall was helping himself in my fridge.

"Here's the file." I said. Pushing it toward Liam.

He reached out for it slowly, as if asking to touch it. I nodded. He grabbed the file and opened it.

He skimmed over the fist page.

"Right so this is where you stopped?" He asked. I nodded. The microwave beeped.

"Niall." We said in unison, as he took out a plate of pizza rolls.

"Sorry." He said.

We sat down at the table.

"Everyone take a few pages, it'll go faster that way." I suggested. Liam nodded and handed a few to me, and Niall.

"Niall, don't get food grease on these or so help me god-" Liam spoke.

"Alright alright! I won't." He said, scowling.

I laughed lightly.

I skimmed over the page I held in my hand.

My heart quickly broke into two.

"Oh my god.." I said.

"What? What does it say?" Niall asked, Liam had the same worried look.

"It says his mum and dad died in a car wreck. That he was admitted to the hospital because he flew through the front windshield, and became concussed, and had brain injuries. He was in a coma.  That's why.." tears pricked my eyes , making a burning sensation.

"Poor lad." Niall said, looking over to him on the couch.

He looks so peaceful, so gentle. I want to keep him like that, he doesn't deserve to cry so often.

"Mine says he had a frequent visitor. An older man that came to drop off boxes of candy, from when he was eight to about twelve. Doesn't look like he made an appearance much after." Liam said.

Boxes of candy?

"Oh my god. Does it say who he was?" I asked.

Liam looked through the paper again.

"Edward Styles." Liam said.

So they're related. Maybe it was his grandpa.

"Niall, what does yours say?" I asked. He looked through his again.

"Nothing much. They just wrote down that the song that was playing when the car got smashed, was I Want Candy, by Bow Wow Wow, so they played that for him in the hospital." He said, shrugging.

Holy shit. This is coming full circle.

"Does anyone's say anything about siblings?" I asked.

They looked through their small stack of papers and then frowned lightly.

"No." They both said.

My eyes flooded and dropped down my cheeks.

"Woah, mate? Are you alright?" They asked.

I shook my head, a sob beginning to escape my lips.

"He's been talking about this sister he has, and how she's so lovely and amazing. I was beginning to think maybe he made it up while he was in a coma, but now I know for sure-" I put my head in my hands, and cried into them.

Harry doesn't deserve this. He just went out with his family one evening and then went into a coma. He came out with no family, no friends, and a distorted reality.

Harry deserves love, and peace. He deserves friendship, and happiness.

He deserves all the nicest things the world could give him.

I wish I could give it to him, wish I could wrap him up in the blanket he loves so much and keep him in my arms.

I want him to feel loved, and appreciated. Not upset, and tired. Not sad, and lonely.

He misses people who doesn't even know he exists, and people he made up completely.

God, I wish it were me.

Harry began to stir awake.

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