Wow thats pretty gay Hajimeme

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Sonia had come into the library where Nagito and I had been sitting and told me that my parents and Queen Amanda needed to speak with Nagito and myself. She then looked over and noticed Nagito was passed out. "Prince Hajime. Would you mind waking him up for me? Chiaki asked that I take her to the royal gardens." Princess Sonia and Chiaki had hit it off from the beginning of meeting each other earlier today.

I nodded my head in response. She smiled then left. I looked over to Nagito sleeping rather peacefully. "Hey Nagito.. our parents need to speak with us." Nothing. I tried again and again but still Nagito dozed off. I let out a huff "fine then I guess I'll have to carry you there so that we aren't late." I picked him up like a prince would a princess except we were both princes. Well Nagito did have a more feminine shape than a masculine one. He was really light too. Almost to light.

Once I had reached the room Princess Sonia had told me to go to it was really quiet. There were no servants or guards. It was really tense. I opened the door ever so slightly with my left hand as to not wake Prince Nagito. Once I entered I saw my mother and Queen Amanda. No sign of my father. He probably left early so he could take care of Jabberwock. My mother looked at me and gestured that I lay Prince Nagito on the sofa next to Queen Amanda. She then patted the seat next to her. As I sat down Queen Amanda was walking over to Nagito. "Nagito my sweet. I need you to wake up." I doubted it would work but it did non the less.

Nagito sat up groggily and looked around. He was confused by his facial features. He let out a yawn "how did I get here..?" Queen Amanda looked at him and smiled sweetly "Prince Hajime carried you here." He looked shocked in a way then looked at me "I'm sorry you had to carry me all the way from the library to my Mothers study" his mother sat back down in her chair then cleared her throat. "Queen Hanna(that's going to be Hajime's mothers name because I don't know her actual name😎) and I have been discussing when we are to have your marriage and we finally decided that we should hold the announcement the day of the upcoming ball. The wedding will be due 1 week after" Nagito's face went pale. "Mother that only gives us 2 weeks to get to know each other. 3 weeks if you count the week before the wedding!" Nagito was obviously against the whole arranged marriage as I was.

Nagito's mother stood from her seat "Nagito. You have no say in this matter. We have to have the weddings as soon as possible. It is your job as heir to the throne of Hopes Peak." With that came silence from Nagito. He didn't dare say another word.

They had finished telling us everything that they needed to tell us so we left the room. "Prince Nagito. I understand that you have no interest in this marriage so I want to make an agreement with you." He looked at me with one eyebrow raised obviously telling me to go on "we don't need to love each other in this 'relationship' but act as if we do. Once we get married how ever.. it is going to be tougher cause we'll be expected to make gestures of our feelings to one another in public." He thought about it for a second before speaking "so all we have to do is act like we love each other..?" "Yes." "Well then I hope you keep your word." With that Prince Nagito walked off towards what I believe was the kitchen.

Night had come and so the castle fell silent. Everyone in the kingdom was asleep except for myself who couldn't sleep. I decided I would go to the garden and see if I can calm myself down even just a little bit.

As I walked to the garden I heard foot steps and whispering. I stopped in my tracks and hid. They people who were up at this hour were non other than Sonia and Chiaki who where holding hands and speaking about how they could possibly ask for a marriage to be arranged. Must be nice to find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with in such a short amount of time.

Once I knew they had passed I came out of my hiding spot and proceeded to the garden. Once I had arrived however I didn't expect to be met with Prince Nagito. He looked like he had been crying. I didn't know what came over me in that moment but I started to move towards him. I sat next to him "hey.. um.. are you ok?" He looked up with tears in his eyes and his cheeks red from all the crying.

I wiped away all the tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this Prince Hajime." I let out a sigh "if we are going to be forced to marry then I'm going to be seeing you like this more in the future so it's fine really." I then placed my hand on Nagito's back and smiled. He smiled a little and leaned on my shoulder. We sat like that for what felt like an eternity.

For that time I didn't realize Nagito had softly drifted off to sleep. So once I found out I carried him to his room. Tucking him in and making sure he was comfortable. I left his room feeling a stinging in my chest. A stinging I had never felt until that night with Nagito.

I awoke with Chiaki walking into the room I was staying in. "Hajime, can I tell you something? It's very important... I think." I let out a small grain and stretched my arms and legs. "Yeah sure Chiaki what is it?" She then turned red "well... I thin- no I know that I might have feelings for Princess Sonia." I looked at her and smiled "I knew that already" she then let out a sigh of relief "well... what do you think.. should I ask our mother if I can marry her?" I looked at her and held her hand "of coarse I think you should. If it's the most important thing in the world then I will try my very hardest to convince our mother." With that Chiaki smiled and left.

Authors note: thank you for tuning in to this chapter!! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. The title however... I have no reason for it🤠

Just an arranged marriageNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ