Getting Sonia and Chiaki together!!!!!🤩🥳

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I ran into my Mother on the way to go and see Chiaki. Perfect!! She was the person I was hoping to find today anyway. "Mother! May I ask you something?" I said out of breath due to me having been running. She smiled sweetly "of coarse" "ok so.. I was talking with Chiaki the other day and I was wondering if Sonia and her could get married." My mother looked shocked at first but then softened her expression. "Chiaki came to me today saying that same thing.. I suppose it wouldn't be a terrible idea. It would mean that the kingdoms would have more of a reason to be united." With that she made her way off down the castles long hallways.

I finally made my way to the library. It's smell was just as amazing as when I first came in here. I was walking down the long rows of books when I bumped into Prince Nagito. He looked tired... well more than usual. "Hey Nagito" I said with a small wave. It took a moment for Nagito to process what I said. It was cute when he finally realiz- Wait! He isn't cute!! Ahhdnsn what am I thinking right now!!!!

"Hello, Prince Hajime" Nagito smiled as he tilted his head a bit. "What brings you back into the library?" He stopped smiling and simply looked at me. "Well I'm just browsing the books.. I have nothing to do for the time being.." He nodded. I suppose getting married to him wouldn't to terrible. "Oh! Chiaki asked me to ask my mother if her and Princess Sonia could get married!" Nagito looked at me with a very excited look "Did you ask if we could call off our marriage and replace it with theirs?" I looked at him with a defeated look "Sadly she ran off before I could ask.. I'm sorry Prince Nagito.." He patted my shoulder. I guess he was trying to comfort me "It's ok prince Hajime.. I mean it can't be helped I suppose." 

I really couldn't believe what was happening before me. My mother was screaming at Chiaki. Mother never screamed at people especially Chiaki. I ran over to my sisters side "Mother! What are you doing?" She stopped screaming and just rubbed her temples "Chiaki.. are you alright..?" Chiaki wasn't crying but she was on the edge of crying. I embraced her and started to walk away from my mother with her. This was so out of character for everyone.

I walked away from Chiaki's room after comforting her for about an hour. Today has definitely been terrible. All I wanted to do was sleep at this point, but we still had a dinner party to attend to with some other kingdom that is good friends with the kingdom of Hopes Peak.  I had no idea who this other kingdom was but by the looks of the castle, people made a big deal over them. 

I walked towards the garden because I enjoyed being there last night. As I was walking I ran into Princess Sonia. She looked very happy. It was nice to see her like this. I could see why Chiaki enjoyed her the way she did. But she is TOTALLY not my type. "Good evening prince Hajime!" She greeted me with a very bright smile. I swear I may have gone slightly blind. 

Sonia and I had been talking for a while when she brought up Nagito and I. It was strange but then she said " You know.. I've never seen Nagito this happy before. Especially when you two were in the garden last night.. he looked extremely happy" I was caught off guard by this statement. "You saw us..?" she laughed a little "Of coarse I did! You think that Chiaki and I just walked by the garden last night only once?" I got pretty embarrassed when she said that. 

After talking for some time a servant came running up to Sonia "Princess Sonia! I have terrible news.. The.. The queen she.. she is no longer amongst the living.." Sonia shot up from her seat on the bench "Hajime! Come with me immediately! " I was confused on what was going on. It took me a while to process but then it hit me. The queen isn't Sonia's mother.. it's Nagito's mother. His mother was dead. With this in mind I started to run faster with Sonia trailed behind me. 

I followed the large amount of servants moving through the halls of the castle. I finally came upon a large wooden door. I soon saw Sonia come up from behind me "Um.. we should go inside now.. Nagito may.. may need someone right about now.." She opened the doors and led me inside. I saw Nagito sitting next to his mother's bed holding her lifeless hand in his. It hurt me to see him like this. I wanted to hold him and comfort him.

It had been a while and most of the people had left. Everyone except myself and Nagito. "You can leave you know Hajime.. you don't have to stand there.." I walked over to him and kneeled on the floor "I don't think I should though. I won't leave your side in a situation like this. Not when you need the most comfort." I grabbed his free hand and cleared away tears that had stained his face. He started to cry even more "Come on.." I opened my arms making it obvious that he could hug me. 

Sitting on the floor with Nagito crying his eyes out next to his mother's death bed. Now that's a situation. I have no idea how long we had been sitting there but it was long enough for some people to come in and carry the queen away on a stretcher. Probably preparing her body for a burial. Nagito was starting to calm but was still crying. "Hey.. you want to go somewhere else for a while..? If you don't want to then let me know.." He nodded his head and started in a scratchy voice "Y-Yeah.. I would like that.." I stood up and helped Nagito up "OK.. lets go"

We had been walking out only to get stares from passing servants. Some had sympathy in their eyes while others looked glad and even disgusted. I just glared at the ones with the glad and disgusted looks. IN the time being I had to stay by Nagito's side. Even if he asks me to leave. I just can't leave him. 

Nagito led me to his bedroom. He opened the door and sat on his bed. I closed the door and sat next to him. We sat there in  silence for some time before he looked at me "Hajime.. why are you still by my side.. you know you can leave?" I just smiled "That's the thing. I don't want to leave. I enjoy being by your side." He smiled "I'm glad then.." he laid his head on my shoulder and so the silence came back but this time it was less suffocating and more comfortable. 

I know I haven't posted for a REALLY long time buuuut I maybe kind of just a little bit totally forgot about this account and the stories I made on it. The only reason I remembered it was because I found my story the other day and I was like.. damn. I made this.

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