Part 6

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As day was coming I started to feel my legs giving from under me. I usually don't carry Chiaki for this long.. especially while walking for this long. I suppose Nagito noticed that I had slowed down and stopped. Sonia looked behind cause she noticed that we stopped and looked at me. 

Nagito walked over to me "Hajime.. you need to take a break.. we can sto-" "NO! We have to keep on going. This is what you guys want and I'm doing fine." Nagito looked at me with panic in his eyes. I had yelled 'no' to loud and woke Chiaki.

"mmm.. what time is it?" Sonia rushed over to Chiaki's side and helped her off of me. I basically collapsed when I felt the weight taken off of my back. "Hajime.. I'll carry you for a little while so you can regain some strength." 

Before I could protest Nagito picked me up and started to walk. I was exhausted and I fell asleep after a few minutes. When I awoke I was in the back of a carriage. You know like the ones you see nobles and such ride in. Wait but... weren't we trying to hide? WAIT!

I shot up and looked around. I saw a tall blonde haired man who was reading a deluded green covered book. I looked around and saw Sonia and Chiaki sleeping and then next to them was Nagito. He had his hand resting against the side of the door and the other holding part of the curtain while peering out. 

"HEY!! WE'RE ALMOST THERE!!" I hear from the front of the carriage. The blonde had responded "Good. If we have not reached the manor than I have no use in hearing your voice." wow... what a nice guy.

After a few minutes of riding in the carriage I heard the same voice from before yell "We're here!!!" The I felt them jump off of the carriage. I heard the pitter of their feet on the cobbled ground. Where the hell were we...? 

The carriage door opened and revealed a short purple haired boy. The blonde stood in one quick motion and stepped out of the carriage, walking to the front of the large homes doors. Nagito woke up Sonia and Chiaki and walked out of the carriage helping both Sonia and Chiaki out.  

I stood up and walked out of the carriage. Nagito smiled and grabbed my waist "Nagito? Where are we?" His smile turned into a look of pure defeat as he started to rub the back of his neck "Well.. A fr5iend of mine has offered for us to stay at one of his parents many estates.." 

The small purple haired boy then looked pissed "HEY!! I'm helping too you know! You stinky hope kink weirdo!!" he then stormed off to the side of the blonde bouncing around like a literal child.. wait- are kids supposed to know what kinks are?

I followed Nagito to the front door where the blonde was yelling something at a small brunette? What is up with all the kids on this estate? The brunette noticed me and smiled "Hello! My name is Makoto Naegi!" He extended his hand for me to shake. 

I shook his hand "Hajime Hinata.." "I know! You're the second prince of Jabberwock! And the girl leaning on Princess Sonia is princess Chiaki! Oh I'm sorry.. I'm just so grateful to be in the presence of such high cla-" 

Before he could finish the purple haired boy hit him on the head "Hey! Chill out Koto! You're starting to freak out the guest.. and they haven't even met Shuichi.." "Would you two shut up! I am not in the mood for your bickering! Naegi. To my side please dear.." Naegi smiled and walked over to his- WAIT DEAR?!? 

How old are these guys..?

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