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I was walking with Chiaki to the dining hall where our mother said we would be meeting this afternoon. I wasn't all to excited I mean.. Nagito's coronation was in a few days at best. That meant that the plan was going to be set in motion today after dinner, that way when we leave it will give us a couple hours to leave before anyone notices.



Time skip cause I'm a lazy bish


After dinner Chiaki had pulled me aside "Ok Hajime.. are you ready to go?" I nodded my head. She smiled "Good. I just wanted to make sure.. you just seem very uncomfortable with this plan.." I smiled at her "It's fine.. just thinking is all" She kept her smile on her face and ran off in the direction of Sonia's room.

I walked down the halls of the castle to my room. Gather the small bag that I had and made my way to Nagito's room. I walked into the long dark hallways, lightly stepping on the wooden floors. I was almost to Nagito's room when I heard talking. By the voices it sounded like Izuru and Mukuro. 

I had completely forgotten that they were here. I hid behind a large pillar in the hall so that they couldn't see me. They were walking by and I noticed that they were holding hands. They were both smiling which was a VERY rare occurrence for both them. As soon as they turned the corner I ran to Nagito's room not wanting to be stopped anymore.

Once I reached Nagito's room I knocked on the door lightly four times. I waited then heard Nagito open the door "Hajime! Ok I'll grab my bag and we'll make our way to the gardens ok?" I nodded my head and waited for Nagito at the door. 

"Ok lets go" He grabbed my hand and started to walk to the garden. The garden was large but it led to a stream that led to the outside of the kingdom if you followed it for a long enough time. We made it to the garden where we saw Sonia and Chiaki holding each other close and slow dancing. 

I smiled knowing that my sister and brother were both happy with someone. Nagito looked at me "Hajime? Are you ok? You have tears in your eyes.." Nagito wiped the tears from my eyes "Yeah.. just I'm happy my sister and brother are currently happy" He smiled at me and nodded "Yeah I'm glad Sonia is happy with Chiaki." 

"Sonia, are you two ready?" Nagito walked over to them after a few minutes. Sonia nodded her head "Yes, So Nagito.. if you are correct then the stream in the far back of the garden will take us to the edge of your kingdom and into a small village not ruled by either yours or my kingdom?" Nagito nodded his head in a yes manner.

We started to walk to the stream. It was a long walk and Chiaki started to get tired. Thank god I prepared for this. I picked her up and continued to walk. Nagito and Sonia offered to help but I was used to this.

It had been a good hour or two when we finally reached the stream. God this was going to take forever.. we couldn't even see the end of the stream let alone the edge of the kingdom.

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