Prologue: Self Conversations

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Everything was going to change.

That's the first thing Sicillian Presque thought when she woke up on the 12th of September to the thin slit of sunlight streaming through her curtains. She had been living alone for practically ten years now, and despite the crippling loneliness, it was the safest option, all things considered.

The brunette bit her lip. Today, she had something to do. She had something to be.

Her aversion to others had many reasons, but it was ultimately down to how it triggered the "power" that had caused a CIA operation, Project Blackwing, to show so much interest in her. She adapted to everyone she met. Sicillian called herself a Hollistic Assistant. Her entire personality could flip like a switch to be the most suited to whoever she was around. And she hated it. Always someone else, never herself.

The universe told her who to adapt to, who to help. But the universe had been real quiet lately, and the woman with the dark hair had been making a conscious effort to ignore it. Until today, where the insistence to do something had become a pounding headache that ripped through her skull.

Only problem: she had no idea where to go or what to do.

So really it was a blessing in disguise, albeit weird, when her phone began to ring. And the caller ID was her own number. She examined the digits on the screen with a curious confusion, rubbing her eyes a few times to consolidate the bizzare fact in case it was just her morning vision. It wasn't. She picked up the call with a trembling finger.

"Hello?" Her voice echoed in her Seattle apartment. There was silence for a second.

"Right, okay. No time to explain. Go to the Perryman Grand Hotel-" That was... That was her own voice?

"What the hell is this, who are you? Because you sound like me, but that's not possible, because I'm me." Sicillian's mind was racing, trying to find an explanation to the inexplicable situation she found herself in.

"I am you. Well, you're me. Listen, it's hard to explain, and I'm living in it."

"Wha-" She was cut off by herself again.

"Just, the Perryman Grand, okay? Go up to the Penthouse, look for the guy with the gorilla mask and-" Another voice joined the "clone" Sicillian's side of the call.

"Come on, we need to go!" It was male, with a strong British accent and it gave the brunette a strange feeling of nostalgia.

"Yes, I know, Dirk, give me a fucking minute- Perryman Grand, Penthouse, guy in a gorilla mask, protect him. You got that?" Sicillian had so many questions. Who was Dirk? What was in the Perryman Grand Penthouse? Who did she need to protect? But she only gave a weak:

"Yes, I understand." In response. Then the phone hung up. No goodbye, no nothing. Just a loud tone from her mobile that indicated the call had ended. On a better note, she now had an answer to her previous questions of where to go and what to do. Just when things were getting normal too.

But then again, Sicillian thought, the universe could never leave me alone, could it?

ᵢcₐᵣᵤₛ ~ Dᵢᵣₖ Gₑₙₜₗy ✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora