The First Rule Of Private Detection

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The group stopped for gas, Sicillian running into the station and buying herself a bottle of water before returning to see Dirk sitting atop the car and Todd filling it up with petrol.

"See? I didn't even ask you to do that, and you're already acting like an assistant." The British man smiled.

"I'm not- I'm just trying to be helpful." In a sickening moment, Sicillian felt a shift, head spinning for a second, eyes burning.

Shit, she thought, I've adapted.

"Todd, you're far more important to this case than you realise the sooner you accept it the sooner we can all get along." She blinked a few times, utterly out of control of what came out her mouth. She sounded like Dirk. Said yellow jacketed man stared at her weirdly, quirking an eyebrow. She simply shook her head. It was unlikely he'd forgotten her abilities, but to someone who still wasn't used to it, the outburst must have seemed out of character. Because... Well it was.

"What case? You guys broke into my apartment! Besides, how do you even investigate anything if you don't even use any investigative stuff?" Todd asked, eyeing the both of them.

"Interconnectedness," Dirk hopped off the car, "Coincidence, and the rarer, sexier, coinkydinks." This last part made Sicillian give her friend a disappointed glare. "Once hired, I am intrinsically connected to that specific case and will eventually solve it by just kinda doing whatever."

"And you, what? You help him?" The darker haired man turned to the woman.

"Like I said, assistant since yesterday. Dirk and I knew each other as children, and we have the same view of the universe, let's say. And the universe brought us together after years of separation. That has to mean something, so yeah, I guess I do help him. Or will." She furrowed her eyes slightly.

"So who told you to break into my apartment?" Todd queried.

"No one. We were investigating your building for other reasons, besides, I just had a hunch you'd be important," Sicillian frowned at this. Dirk was lying to him. "And hey, I was right! While searching your apartment, I found a compelling piece of evidence."


"He found nothing." The woman commented, not bothered on giving an explanation.

"But you just said-" He trailed off.

"Everything is connected," Dirk paused, "Nothing is also connected."

"Just don't run anymore red lights." Todd eventually sighed.

"Whatever keeps you sane." As the conversation drew to a close, Sicillian was struck by a sudden swell of roaring and indecipherable music. She watched her friend turn towards the sound but didn't see herself what it was issuing from, but due to the look on Dirk's face, it was not good.

"We should go... We should go." The group got back into the car, and thanks to even more speeding, were off again.


"Ring the bell." Dirk said to Todd, appearing almost out of nowhere at his side, a bemused Sicillian trailing behind.

"What the hell- you said you two were gonna stay in the car!" The dark haired man burst out.

"We lied." The American woman shrugged.

"Did you see how I snuck up on you? I was trained as a ninja by the CIA," At the mention of the government agency, Sicillian tensed up, remembering her time at Blackwing. However, at Dirk's glance she played it off as a sarcastic eyebrow raise. "No, sorry, that's a lie too." Todd gave the pair an unamused once over before the door opened.

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