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She was on Dirk's sofa. Sicillian had gotten used to waking up on it, the surface had become familiar. What wasn't familiar, was waking up on it alone. The bubbly detective was nowhere to be found, the apartment seeming cold and empty without him pacing around spouting ridiculous theories.

The brunette sat up, stretching out her arms and looking around. The curtains were drawn, but she could see light fading in from the outside, thin strips of yellow painting the walls from the cracks in the grey drapes. She smiled slightly. No headache.

Turning to the sideboard, she saw a pile of folded clothes and a scrap of paper, scribbled on with scrawling handwriting. Sicillian picked it up, smoothing out the creases.

Hey, it's Amanda. No one knew where your apartment was, so we just brought you back here. Things were a mess yesterday, me and the Rowdy Three, we kicked everyone's ass! Dude, it was insane. Estervez took Dirk to the hospital... It was not pretty. Farah went off with Lydia, but she wants to meet you all later. If you're reading this, I got tired of waiting for you to wake up, so I went back to Todd's. He's also asleep there, he's alive. I'm leaving soon, so you should come and say goodbye.

Ps: I picked out some clothes for you, I don't know much about your style, but I figured you'd want a jacket that kinda matched Dirk's.

The green eyed American laughed slightly at the note, looking over at the powder blue leather jacket that lay on the wooden surface. It was certainly a garment she could see Dirk in.

The Hollistic Assistant took a lengthy shower, half using it to relax, half using it to wash off the sweat, blood and tears of the previous few days. The hot water felt like a luxury. She changed into the clothes Amanda had got, a pair of black jeans, a collared white shirt, and of course, the blue jacket. To her pleasant surprise, everything fitted perfectly, and she finished it off with her trusty grip-less converse. She grabbed her phone, wallet and keys to the apartment, heading down to see the Brotzmans.

She knocked on the door once, only for it to be flung open a few seconds later and Amanda to barrel into with bone crushing hug.

"Jesus, Amanda! I can't breathe!" Sicillian chuckled slightly, wrapping her arms round the drummer's neck tightly.

"Dude, it is so good to see you." The younger Brotzman drew back with a relieved smile.

"Yeah, you too. You doing okay?" The assistant scanned her quickly, but saw no signs of injury.

"Never better to be honest. Yesterday was mental! Like me and the Rowdy Three showed up at that rich guy's mansion, and there were like a hundred dudes and we beat them up and then they ran away! It was sick!" Sicillian laughed slightly at her friend's enthusiasm, finding it rather infectious.

"I'm glad you're safe." She paused. "You said you were leaving, that I should come say goodbye. What's that all about?"

"Well, the Rowdy Three invited me to go along with them. And I accepted. I wasn't going to stay here, Todd... He really hurt me. And I know I'm his sister, but he screwed up." Amanda shrugged slightly.

"As long as you're happy." The Hollistic Assistant smiled. She could see exactly why Amanda didn't want to stay with Todd, and she found it perfectly reasonable. Looks like she'd found a place in the world. Sicillian was happy for her.

"Look, Sicillian, I have a question..." The ravenette girl started slowly.

"Of course."

"The other day, I went to the shop, to get groceries... And I had a pararibulitus attack. But the Rowdy Three were there, and they did the zappy thing they did to Dirk and... I saw something." She finished quietly.

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