Surpassing Alexithymia

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Getting dragged out of bed, and by bed, she meant British man's sofa, at 7 am wasn't something Sicillian enjoyed. At all. Dirk hadn't been lying when he said they left first thing in the morning, and she was beginning to resent not arguing with him about it. Todd had seemed, if possible, even more disgruntled than the American assistant, not even asking the Hollistic duo to wait for him outside, instead changing his clothes then and there, too tired to care.

Presently, the three were on their way to get breakfast. The brunette woman had insisted on this, claiming she'd refuse to do any work unless she'd had at the very least, a cup of coffee. Her head was resting on the passenger window of the corvette as they cruised along the road, Dirk miraculously driving at normal speeds.

"It's so exciting that Patrick Spring left us buried treasure!" The British man, who now sported a turquoise jacket, bubbled. Sicillian had taken it upon herself to do what she had been threatening for a few days now, and 'borrow' Dirk's yellow jacket. It was a little big on her, but comfortable. The detective hadn't seemed to mind, so that was also a plus.

"How do we even know it's buried?" Todd asked, with a gargantuan yawn.

"Treasure is always buried."

"Who said anything about treasure?" Sicillian raised her head from the cool glass slightly, giving her friend a skeptical once over.

"What was all that stuff you said in the trap rooms about three questions one answer?" The ex bellhop cut in. The green eyed woman shifted uncomfortably, not so secure in Dirk's decision to keep this from him.

"You're right. I get the feeling this is just going to lead to seven more maps in seven more mazes in seven more basements." The brit sighed with a slight smile.

"Let's just get this over with. I don't like leaving Amanda alone." Todd replied pointedly.

"She's not alone, she has Farah. Farah is a fucking badass." Sicillian reminded her new friend. There was a soft 'meow' from the backseat, next to the darker haired man. He squinted curiously at the Hollistic Detective in the driver's seat, who blew it off with a fake smile. Todd sighed, settling back and shutting his eyes in an attempt to get some rest.

"You brought the kitten?!" Sicillian mouthed incredulously.

"Who was going to look after her?" Came the silent, innocent reply. The American woman rolled her eyes, leaning forward to turn on the radio, much to the dismay of the ex bellhop, who whacked her arm.

"I'm trying to sleep?" He hissed.

"Oh, shit, yeah. Sorry." She shut it off immediately, settling for her phone and earbuds as a replacement, leaving Dirk alone with his thoughts.


The trio made it to breakfast in one piece, no electrocution and no shots fired at them. A new record as far as Sicillian was concerned, and she was happy to take a moment to relax with her friends. The experience was helped by the fact they'd stopped at an excellent restaurant. If the green eyed American could describe her French Toast in one word, she'd have to stick to overused stereotypes and say heavenly.

Dirk had gotten up for some reason or other, leaving Sicillian and Todd eating in silence. Not comfortable, or uncomfortable.

"What's the deal with you and Dirk?" The ex bellhop asked suddenly.

"What's the deal? What do you mean?"

"It's like you're in sync sometimes. You finish each other's sentences, every little glance between you is like a whole conversation you're having in an instant. And the other day, when he went to get the everbulb and you went to get air, you two just didn't come back. Are you guys like.... I don't know, a thing?" Todd seemed unsure of his words.

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