A Beginners Guide To Time Travel

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The trio were thrown to the ground by the force at which they'd travelled, skidding slightly on the smooth floors. They were still in the room at the animal transfer unit, but having caught on to Dirk's plan, Sicillian had a feeling something was different. And it was.

"Can't believe that actually worked!" The brit cried with glee.

"You didn't know if it would?!" The Hollistic Assistant rounded on him incredulously, hauling herself up.

"Well we're alive, aren't we?"

"For the moment..." She muttered.

"Where are we? Are we still here?" Todd frowned, getting to his feet unsteadily.

"For the moment, yes. But at the moment? No. We're in the past. One week if I'm correct." Dirk explained, unplugging the machine.

"The unlimited energy device is a time machine? Did you know this?" The ex bellhop asked.

"Kind of a hunch really, but the good news is-" His sentence was interrupted by yelling from beyond the double doors. "Nevermind, there's no good news."

"Hide." Sicillian instructed, leading the two males behind a storage shelf, pressing her body flat against the wall, whilst still looking through a gap in the bric-a-brac.

The doors slammed open, revealing Rimmer, tailed by an assortment of bald headed men; part of the cult. Their leader was holding his dog, the corgi he was so concerned with, and bringing up the rear, was a man holding a struggling girl, with a welding mask over her eyes. Lydia Spring. Sicillian shared a look with Dirk, knowing he recognised her too.

"Put the her in the dog and the dog in the her." Rimmer instructed. So they were right, the corgi did have the soul of Lydia in. The Hollistic Assistant watched with morbid fascination as the girl was forced onto a seat at the base of the tall, almost altar, in the middle of the room. One of the bald men reached over, plugging the machine in, a completely different looking one to the device they trio travelled here with. The crank was flipped, and a jolt of electricity went through girl and dog, rendering them limp. The contraption began to move, spinning the two around, before shocking them again.

It was done. Sicillian watched Rimmer gently remove the mask and tape from Lydia's body, which now housed Rapunzel's soul.

"What a sick bastard..." The brunette woman hissed under her breath, watching the man stroke the girl's hair, like he would his dog. The corgi and the teen had just been released from their seating when the doors opened for a second time. Stepping through this time was a tall woman with a cyclical tattoo on her face, dressed in an orange garb, almost like a tunic. She wasn't alone. A dozen or so men and women in suits filed behind her, most of them armed with guns. This reminded Sicillian to check she still had her own weapon, breathing a silent sigh of relief when her fingertips brushed the cold metal.

"So it's come to this, Pollux. Sacrilege, treason, death." The woman spoke to Rimmer. The trio assumed Pollux was his real name, Gordon Rimmer being the name of the body he was in.

"No one else has to die, do you know who this is, Rainey?" He lead the brown haired girl next to him. "Lydia Spring." While the statement seemed to raise some eyebrows, the tall woman, Rainey, was undeterred. "Patrick Spring has the other machine, the unlimited energy device. He's waiting for us at the Perryman Grand right now."

"Spring is no longer a threat. We don't need his machine anymore." The leader gestured to the device currently plugged into the altar.

"You have been running things for too long. You've lost the path, it's time for a change!" Rimmer declared.

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