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Narrator POV

House is having a really shitty day so far. He woke up in only his underwear with his wallet, watch and gun all laying on the ground beside him. It was a miracle he wasn't robbed, but that didn't exactly make today a good one. For starters his once all powerful gun, High Roller, was now incapable of getting a nine or a one. Confused by what that means? Well you should check out the previous stories, or join the Discord server, the character files there can give you the details, but I'll also be kind enough to give you some details. Highroller was capable of doing one of nine effects after having it's cylinder spun. One would have the gun shoot House, Two would make a smoke bomb fire out the gun, Three shot an electric dart, Four shot a rubber bullet that ricochets, Five shot a normal bullet, Six shot a blast of fire, Seven would heal whoever House shot, Eight shot a freezing bullet, and Nine could do literally anything. So yeah House was kinda pissed that his best thing in his arsenal was now incapable of doing his whole thing. What's more he also didn't have any clothes and people were staring at him which he wasn't a fan of. He quickly dipped into a clothing store and grabbed a pair of blue jeans, a white shirt and a red jacket. It wasn't his old attire, but it would have to do. He payed for the clothes, threw them on, and then made sure to hide Highroller in his waist band. He makes sure his watch is working and smiles.

House: Well their is one good thing to come out of today. Too bad I didn't have my knife or phone on me when I decided to jump into that damn thing. Shit I don't even know if the others know I'm alive. Fuck this shit! My feet hurt, I'm stranded, and my fuckin gun is broken! I'm stealing a car.

House spins the cylinder in Highroller and it stops just as a convertible drives by.

RNJesus: NINE!!

House fires it and the gun simply let's out confetti. House throws the gun full force down an alley. He continues to walk until he feels a weight on his waistband. He pulls out Highroller again and spins its cylinder.

RNJesus: TWO!!

House spots a man unlocking his really nice sports car and fires at his feet. The smoke immediately envelopes the man and House runs up, takes the guys keys and jumps in the car. He cranks it and takes off before the guy even realizes what happened. House smirks and drives down the road.

House: Way too easy. Man this car is fast.

?: I know right?! Let me have a turn!

House looks for the voice and doesn't see anyone in the car, but suddenly the steering wheel sinks into the dash and the accelerator is pushed all the way down as the windows all become pitch black. House tries to open the doors, but the handles are gone. He then tries to hit the brake, but it's gone too.

House: What the hell?!


House can't exactly see out the window, but he can definitely tell the car is going much faster than the speed limit.

House: Let me out!

?: No way if I do that I'll have to stop and I'm not doing that!

So here we are with one of our heros trapped inside a car and the others not even here yet. Welcome to Daten City, the center point between Heaven and Hell. Shit is only going to get crazier from here.

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