Chapter 2. Library Gossiping

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The next few classes of the day flew by like nothing. Although, I did get a few glances from other students in the class; I could see them muttering to there friends, probably about the hallway situation.

The bruise on my neck was still darkening as the day went on, only for it to be much more noticeable for everyone to see. I tried ignoring any questions.

I can't have been the only one to notice- but for the rest of the day Malfoy hadn't shown up to the rest of our classes. Not that I'm complaining. He's the last person I wanted to lay eyes on. I hadn't seen him in the halls either, or at lunch. Which was odd considering he usually found that out of class times would be the best to start snarky remarks about me.

He made me sick. Just the thought of him coming anywhere near me or speaking my last name made me want to scream and throw things across the room.

"Are you alright y/n?" Came Hermiones voice from behind me, as she placed one hand on my shoulder and grabbed a seat to pull up to where I was sitting.

"You only come to the library when you're- well, either plotting to murder someone or you're studying. And I'm guessing you don't have much studying to do?" She laughed as she sat down, pulling piles of books out of her bag and placed them onto the library's old wooden desks. 

"No I don't have much studying to do Mione, I'm reading ways to subtly poison someone and have it look like an accident." I spoke, flipping through the pages of my potions textbook. The library was very quiet for a Wednesday evening, usually students would be doing all their homework for Friday's classes. 

"Listen y/n, I know what your going to try and do when you get back to the common room, but please don't go looking to start a fight with him again-" She spoke softly, trying to persuade me from doing anything stupid. "And I know that you tell me not to get in the way of you and Malfoy because you can handle yourself but you seen him today. He threatened you in front of all those people-"

"Well let him- It doesn't get to me. He can do it all he wants but that doesn't mean I'm backing down at any point." I said promptly. 

Hermione sighed and nodded her head as if she had been part of a defeated argument. I looked at my textbook once more and decided that i couldn't study anymore. The amount of work for this week was fogging my brain and it hurt to think of the many more home works I had to complete. I closed over the cover of my book and put it in my bag, Hermione looked over at me confused. 

"I just got here, you can't leave me already!" She complained as you pulled out your chair and stood up. 

"I need to go back to the common room, I'm to tired to do anymore work. Besides its already seven o'clock." Hermione looked at her small wrist watch and her face dropped. 

"Shit I was meant to meet up with Harry and Ron at 6:45!" She shouted, hurrying around packing her piles of books into her bag once more. 

"Well go then!" I laughed as she ran out of the library, her bag falling off her shoulder. 

The library was silent now. I stood alone at the old wooden desk gathering my things when I heard something. Something moving around the back of the book cases in front of me. I put my bag back down and walked to the shelf in curiosity. 

Someone was flipping through a book, well that's what it sounded like. As I rounded the book shelf, the silhouette of a broad dark figure came into view. They were sitting on the window ledge with a book in their hands. Then I seen it. That darn blonde hair. 

"Stalking me now are we Cortia? Feeling like another good bruise?" He spoke, looking up at me from his book with a stern look.

"What the hell Malfoy! Have you been there the entire time?" I spat at him, horrified that he had been listening in on my conversation. 

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