Chapter 8: Hangover Decisions

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"Good morning sunshine!" I exclaimed as I pulled open the curtains on Pansy's side of the dorm. She was sprawled across her bed half-under the duvet, last nights makeup still slightly in tact, and her hair looked like a family of birds had made home. 

"What happened..." She groaned as she fluttered open her eyes. I sat on the end of her bed. 

"A lot happened last night Pansy. I did walk in on you and Hermione in a broom cupboard from what I remember." Pansy giggled. "You need to tell me what happened did you sleep together?" I asked out of curiosity. 

"No, we didn't sleep together Y/N. We got our clothes off in an attempt to though. You actually stumbled in at the perfect moment to throw up. We realised what we were about to do after that and got dressed. I couldn't imagine throwing away such a special moment because I couldn't handle my own drink. So thankyou" She said sympathetically. I smiled, happy that she and Hermione made the decision not to just be a one night stand. I knew, and everybody else knew that they should be more than that. 

"Oh, well good I'm glad to hear that, are you and Mione together now or?" 

"We didn't talk afterwards, I know she went right back to her dorm though. I just drank more to get rid of that awful guilty feeling. I feel so stupid I should have just told her how I felt rather than make out with her butt naked in a broom closet" Pansy pulled a pillow over her face. I grabbed it quickly and pulled it away from her. 

"So speak to her today." I stood up and walked to the bathroom to wipe off the rest of my makeup from the night before. 

"Where did you end up anyway?" Pansy shouted intrigued. 

My heart stopped a little, I wasn't expecting to be interrogated. After all, last night shouldn't have happened in the first place. It still felt like a fever dream. 

"Oh, well, I sort of... ended up in Malfoys bedroom." I paused. Silence. 

"YOU WHAT!" Pansy ran through to the bathroom faster than I'd ever seen her move before. "How the fuck did you end up there? Did you guys... you know?" 

"No! No, nothing like that. Well, no nothing sexual.. sort of?" I said confused as I looked at myself in the mirror wiping away my old lipstick. My fingers lightly brushed over where I had hit my head last night. To my surprise it was completely healed, as if it had never happened. Maybe he meant for it to look that way. As if last night never happened at all. Must have been some good cream."

"What does that mean? Sort of? Did you guys fuck or what? Was there any touching of those areas with anything what so ever?" She questioned, looking at me still in complete and utter shock. 

"No there was no touching of those places. Only my head. It was so strange, I woke up in his bed because he said I couldn't walk and was too drunk to think for myself. I hit my head and he put some magic cream on it or some shit because its gone now." I said. "He pulled me in and said 'Let me' he was so sincere. I'm not going to lie I thought he was going to kiss me..." 

Pansy gasped. "He didn't though." I exclaimed. "I majorly embarrassed myself and leant in, he pulled back and told me he just wanted to check my head. Then got up and said I could use his bed to sleep off the rest of the alcohol for the night. I feel like an idiot." I sighed.

"There is no way in hell he pulls you in that close just to get a look at your head I don't believe him." 

"Yeah well he also gave me what I'm assuming is Theo's unused condom and told me to 'Give it back to him he'll be missing it.' Whatever that means." My face felt fresh now, I turned on the shower and stood behind the privacy curtain to get undressed. 

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