Chapter 4. Party Planning Breakthroughs

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The next week was quiet. Nothing out of the ordinary happened; the ordinary being me and Malfoy making more sly comments about each other, but nothing too serious. I really had no idea why he bothered warning me. Seems his games were getting weaker.

Blaise had acquired a new found interest for going to the Gryffindor table and saying hello to Ginny, Theo mocked him for it everytime.

"Any luck with the leprechaun today?" Theo said, making a Jigging movement to impersonate an Irish dancer. Blaise, Pansy, Theo and I were all seated at the Slytherin table eating breakfast. No Malfoy. Which was also the usual. I'm sure he got private room service or something fancy that his father payed for no doubt.

"We are making progress Theo-" Spoke Blaise who was taking his seat next to me, and looking back at the laughing Gryffindors who had spotted Theo's dance as well as Blaises blushing expression.

"Does progress mean she actually asked how your day was this time? Pansy said, biting into a peice of toast.

"Oh and a hand shake I'm sure" Theo added.

"Oh guys leave him alone, hes trying his best." I said, taking my goblet and downing some water.

"Thank for that y/n, really putting it into perspective how good I am at talking to girls." Blaise muttered sarcastically.

"You are very welcome Blaise!" My voice exclaimed sounding cheerful and bubbly. This was the first time in a while that I had actually had a laugh with my friends. I missed it, much like when we were in our first years I seemed to find fun in almost everything, even snapes boring potions classes.

"Anyway-" Pansy said "oh wait- Hermione come over here!"

Hermione got up from the Gryfindor table and sat next to pansy and I, smiling and carrying her books.
"Yeah what's up?" She beamed back at her.
"Well I just thought you'd want to hear this with the rest of us, seen as we haven't been filled in." Pansy replied. We all looked at pansy in confusion, until she gave me the side eye and smirk. Then I knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Pansy no-"
"So, what happened when you went to go get your stuff from Draco the other night? You didn't seem up to much talking once you returned and have refused to speak about it since. So now that the whole groups here you can fill us all in." Said pansy, smiling far to much.

Blaise and Theo shot a glance at me. Of course, they knew that I had been to get my stuff from Malfoy. But what they didn't know is that he had 'marked and healed' me earlier that day. Which to them I'm sure would have been a huge deal and opportunity to tease us both.

Blaise laughed into his goblet, spitting water across his plate. Hermione too was gob smacked, she had no idea that Malfoy had taken my stuff in the first place...

"Nothing happened." I said bluntly, taking another bite of my toast. Pansy glared at me.

"Nothing happened?" She spoke back, sounding very sure that I was lying.

"Nothing. Happened." I said casually back at them all. "So drop it will you? He took my stuff and I got it back. Big deal." I looked into my bag and rumaged around so that I wouldn't look so unoccupied. Just as I looked back up, Theo caught my eye, smirking terribly.

"You won't mind then if we ask him?"

My heart sunk.

"There he is, walking up behind you right now."

Lower and lower.

What the hell was he doing at breakfast in the great Hall? He's never down here in the morning so why, oh why did it have to be this one.

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