Chapter 9: Her.

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Roughly two weeks had past, hell 15 days and counting. Malfoy and I hadn't spoken at all, and hadn't mentioned anything to anyone. There was a sense of alarm going on through most of my friends minds. Yes, it was normal for Malfoy and I not to speak, but having had NO arguments at all, no contact, was an unsettling atmosphere for all of us.

I hadn't really seen him much, as if he were actively avoiding me. Which in all fairness I don't blame him for. I did tell him that we shouldn't have kissed and it was a mistake. I felt horrible about it, but at the same time I knew it was never a good idea in the first place. Other than that classes and school was all pretty normal.

Oh, well that is until she arrived.


"Y/N?" Pansy said sitting down beside me in the great hall, Hermione following to sit beside her. "Quit staring into space please? You've been so weird the last few weeks are you ever going to tell us what happened?"

"Nothing happened." I thought I'd save us both the embarrassment. "Anyway how are you two love birds doing? Now that it's official and all." I smiled at them both.

Pansy and Hermione finally had the talk a couple days after the party. Pansy confessed that she liked Hermione and wanted to try things out. Mione obviously agreed.

"Couldn't be happier" Hermione smiled and gave Pansy a kiss on the cheek.

"And what about Blaze and Ginny? They're together now and all no?" I asked. Blaze and Ginny had also been seeing each other since the successful 'date' they had at the party. Seems everyone had someone but me at this point. I didn't mind that much though...

"Well" Blazes voice came from across the table as he sat down with Theo. "We are exclusive but not official yet, we've agreed to only see each other and continue our dates. It's going great so far, honestly Y/N I have never met someone so full of life she is just the most incredible and gorgeous person I've ever laid eyes on."

"Yeah alright keep it in your pants Blaze." Theo said sounding mildly disgusted as he chomped down on a piece of buttered toast. "And what about me? Aren't I the most beautiful person you've ever laid eyes on?" He said mockingly.

"Yeah of course, sorry Theo you are so right, I am just so in love with you, do you want to have my babies as well?" He answered back jokingly. Everyone but Theo laughed.

"Right guys I'm off, I've to go meet a new student at the front gates." Theo said, standing up and collecting his things to walk away.

"New student? What new student?" Pansy asked curiously.

"Yeah I haven't heard anything about a new student. Are they in our house?" I chipped in.

"She, is in our house, and she is a transfer from another school somewhere in Uganda, Uagadou I think its called. She's in our year so I've been asked to show her around and help her get to know other people." Theo said proudly, as he walked away.

"Well, I'm betting that she lasts half a day without being flirted with." Hermione giggled.

"Yeah not even" Blaze disagreed, eating the rest of his breakfast.

Our first class of the day was Potions with Slughorn. As I walked to the class I peered my head around the corner to see if Malfoy had gotten there yet. He had. He sat in the back corner at and empty table, with his books out, already starting his potion of the day. A couple of other students had gotten there early as well to practise for our upcoming O.W.L in a few weeks time.

I walked in and sat at a table in the middle of the class next to Pansy. Blaze walked in and sat next to Malfoy. We started unpacking our ingredients from our selected shelves, as each of us were assigned a different potion to practise. My potion, Amortentia, happened to be quite a difficult one to brew. Pansy was Assigned Veritaserum, as well as harry, as Slughorn had gotten mixed up a duplicated the task.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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