~♡○Staying over○♡~

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No ones pov

"Wait!" Yamagata yelped. "Huh? Need something?" Kawanishi replied. "Can I stay over for a bit ?" Yamagata asked.  "Eh? Sure I guess..."Kawanishi replied. Yamagata entered Kawanishi's house and looked around. "Make yourself at home." Yamagata started to explore the house, checking every room in the house. He was mainly looking for Kawanishi's room. After a while of searching he found Kawanishi's room. When he entered he looked around every corner making sure not to leave a spot. All Yamagata needed was what Kawanishi liked and was interested in. Yamagata wanted to take Kawanishi on a date after he confessed. He wanted to stay prepared so he didn't have to waste time later.

After looking around for another 3 minutes he found Kawanishi's laptop. Kawanishi's laptop had a background of Yamagata. Yamagata blushed noticing it. But he tried not to focus on it much. He needed to find what Kawanishi liked before Kawanishi entered his room. After another 5 minutes he got enough information about what Kawanishi liked. Kawanishi's favorite flower was roses. His favorite food was Sakiyaki. And he really enjoyed picnics and watching movies.

After Yamagata found what he needed he stated to look for Kawanishi. He looked in the closet  room to find Kawanishi changing. Yamagata started blushing hard. Luckily Kawanishi didn't see him. So he took that opportunity to quietly and quickly close the door and pretend he didn't see a thing. After he closed the door he went to sit on the couch. He slowly started to get a mental picture of Kawanishi. Which made him blush again. Meanwhile Kawanishi finished changing and found Yamagata blushing hard. "Are you okay?"Kawanishi asked. "Eh uh um... y-yup! Why wouldn't I be okay?"Yamagata responded. "Well you were blushing a lot. Did something happen?" Kawanishi said. "Nope not at all!" Yamagata asked trying to sound confident. Kawanishi shrugged and went to sit on the couch with Yamagata. Kawanishi was kinda leaning of Yamagata.

"Are you hungry?"Kawanishi asked. "Sort of..."Yamagata replied. Kawanishi's head shot up. "I can make something for you!"Kawanishi said sounding a bit confident. "Alright" Yamagata said. Kawanishi got up and walked to the kitchen. Yamagata slightly smiled. After a bit Kawanishi called Yamagata to the kitchen. Yamagata got up and headed to the kitchen.  "What did you make? " Yamagata asked. "Sakiyaki! My personal favorite!" Kawanishi answered. Yamagata let out a chuckle which made Kawanishi slightly blush. After they finished eating Yamagata said he had to go. Kawanishi slightly frowned. Yamagata let a small smile before leaving the house. Kawanishi blushed and smiled.

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