Chapter 9

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Kawanishi woke up peacefully while Yamagata woke up weak. But on the other hand Yamagata didn't have the courage to wake up or go to practice. Though he did have more energy than last night so he went anyway. Once kawanashi got to practice he just waited for Yamagata. Yamagata was in a quiet rush since he would be late but he doesn't want his dad to wake up. Eventually he made 2 minutes early and said his normal lines, "Morning everyone!" But this time he sounded more tired and sick. "Yamagata-san, are you sick? You don't sound okay" kawanishi exclaimed. "Don't worry about me! I'm always okay-" yamagata said before he was cut off by ushijima. "Stop wasting time and actually practice". Everyone agreed and started but something was off, yamagata hasn't really talked to anyone and he was... Failing?

His teammates started to get worried and asked him about it but he said that it was nothing and he was just a little drowsy.  No one believed him. So today they decided to end practice early and yamagata kept avoiding to leave without having permission to go to someone elses place. He didn't want to talk or see his father. Eventually he was invited to tendou's sleepover. Ushijima,Semi, Shirabu, kawanishi, and Yamagata would be there. Yamagata knew that he had to avoid Kawanishi at all cost since now he knows that his so called "father" is stalking and following him.

"How about we all go home first to get clothes?" Tendou insisted. They all except yamagata agreed, he just shrugged. He just planned that he'd tell his dad he'll be with his friends and captain. He didn't expect anything. Once he got home he was right, no out of the ordinary, all the bottles on the flour, some of his father clothes on the couch and... food? He was stranged out because his dad never cooks, only him. He was sorta excited to hope he'd see his dad has changed. But what he saw was beyond expectations. It was another woman coming and his dad sitting on the chair.

He was way to shocked to say anything so he  rushes to his room. "He wouldn't replace mom, right?" He kept mumbling to himself. But this time he just grabbed some PJs and headed off to tendou's house. He had his address already since this isn't the first time. Once he got there everyone else was already there. "FINALLY YOU'RE HERE! I thought you wouldn't be able to come" Tendou said in relief. "Oh stop you know I don't leave my friends like that!" He said trying to act cool and normal. Soon enough everyone gathered around in a oval looking circle. "Wtf are we doing" Shirabu says sounding disgusted. "How about t or d??" Kawanishi suggested. "Sure! I don't mind" yamagata says. Everyone else agrees. "Me first" semi says. "Ushijima t or d?" He asks. "Truth" he replies. "Who is your favorite 2nd year?" He asks. "I don't have one, I treat everyone fairly." "I tReAt EvErYoNe fAiRlY, my ass" Kawanishi says. Everyone giggles and soon enough starts cackling.

After a few turns, it was kawanishis turn. "Yamagata t or d?" He asks "Truth" yamagata replies. "Why weren't you talking yesterday when we called?"..... Silence


*Yamagatas pov*
I tried to think of an excuse but I just felt so pressured to the point I couldn't speak. "O-oh um because my dad had friends over and their kids were in my room so it was very loud!" I said sounding stupid, But I was relieved when they actually believed me. Well except semi and kawanishi, they said that I sounded so stupid that it was obvious that I lied. But I couldn't argue with something that was true. "Cmon let's just get to the next person, I feel like I'm getting targeted!" I complain. "Maybe cause are dumbass" Shirabu said.

Everyone chuckled and continued. "Semi t or d?" I asked. "Dare!, I not a coward!"he responded. "Hmm are you sure about that?" Shirabu teased. Semi rolled his eyes and groaned. "I dare you to slap the person who is the softest" I say. Semi soon getting on his knees and crawls to Shirabu and slapped him. "WHO SAID THAT I WAS SOFT YOU IDIOT!?"Shirabu protested. "Don't worry I answered with experience~" Semi teases. We all laugh and continue


After truth or dare we just talked, and talked until pretty much everyone fell asleep. It was only Tendou,Semi, me, and Ushijima. We (excluding tendou bc he went sleep on his bed) carried everyone to bed(or where they'd be sleeping) and soon tucked ourselves in. When morning arrived tendou woke everyone up and so we changed got ready and had breakfast. "Tendous special" is what he calls it, even though ushijima made it.

We decided to hang out at a park. But I didn't really wanna go to that park specifically, it was because it was very close to my house. I feared that my dad might walk out and see me. But we all ended up going even though I repeatedly tried avoid it, they just made me give in. I watched as tendou amd goshiki talk while Ushijima watches semi and shirabu arguing. Soon enough my eyes caught kawanishi but for some reason I thought about the time I walked in on him changing. I flustered up by the memory and pretended to ignore it.

Eventually around 1 hour and 30 minutes passed by. We all ate Ramen and headed off our ways, but before that we grabbed our stuff from the sleepover. I stood in front of my doorstep trying to remember whether my dad left or not. I hesitated for a moment but yet again gave in and opened the door quietly and quickly. Luckily my dad had headed off to work which relieved my stress a lot.

I went and took a shower before rushing and collapsing on my bed. "Ah my sweet sweet bed~ Oh how I've missed you!" I say to myself. I cuddle around and check the time, it was almost 8pm so I decided to go through my phone. Everything was going pretty well until I got a message. It was from my dad. I didn't leave it on read but instead I read through the notification. "I know and saw what you did so I have a special someone to reply to your actions"  the message read. I gulped loudly and hardly. "Oh fuck, shit...." I think to myself.

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