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Kawanishi's pov

Yamagata had just left my house and I couldn't stop smiling. I had never felt so happy before. I ran to my room with joy. I jumped onto my bed facing the ceiling. My legs kicking in the air, and hands gripping onto my shirt. I knew that this reaction was caused because of Yamagata but I couldn't complain! I loved this feeling. Suddenly I hear my ring tone going off. I checked to see who it was, to my surprise it was a FaceTime from Shirabu. Shirabu never really FaceTimes me unless something happened. I answered to see what he wanted. He was with Goshiki and they were both smiling at me. "What?" I asked. "So how was the hangout with Yamagata at your house?!" Goshiki asked with joy. "Uh how did you know that we hung out at my house? I didn't tell you guys." I said. "We followed you guys." Shirabu answered directly. I sighed with a slight smile and disappointment.
After talking for a bit Shirabu hung up. I shrugged and chuckled a bit. I started to wonder why Yamagata was blushing a lot earlier. Then it hit me, he must've saw me change. After thinking of that conclusion I got a bit flustered. I checked the time to see it was 6:00 pm and Yamagata had left at 5:30 pm. I didn't have much to do so I decided to rest a bit. That was until tendou called the shiratorizawa gc. Of course it was FaceTime but I decided to answer. I waited to see who else would answer before I turned on my mic and camera. Shirabu, Ushijima, Yamagata, and Semi had answered. Goshiki was near Shirabu so he didn't answer. "What" i said in a angery voice. "Oh nothing i was just checking up on you guys!" Tendou exclaimed. We all started to talk except Yamagata. Which confused me since he always talks to us. He ended up leaving without saying a word. I shrugged it off and continued to talk.
After a hour or two everyone left the call including me. It was 8:45 pm and I decided to eat dinner. I got up and made myself an onigiri. After I ate I went to sleep early. I was still thinking about why Yamagata left without saying anything which kept my mind a bit away from sleeping. But after a while I ended up sleeping at 9:30 pm.

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