Chapter 1: Gears

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In a small town in a country known as Osaia there was an orphanage that took in children who often were left parentless due to the war that had recently ended. However, there were other reasons for this small town called Arcataia to be considered interesting. Not counting, tourism, selling baked goods, and spices, it also was known for the colorful rooftops that set a vibrancy despite the beautiful color of the rolling green hills, sparkling streams, lakes, and towering mountains. It was a town on the fringe of the larger cities, but it was a comfortable home none the less.

People made their living by selling their goods to people who lived there or as travelers passed. But all were wary of one thing – pirates. Well, not just any kind of pirate mind you but Sky Pirates. They road in airships and descended from the skies like angels of fury to raid their towns, burn their homes, and steal their goods. Yet, most knew that just as not every person in their strict government was good, that not all of the sky pirates were evil.

This was what these people taught their children – therefore it wasn't too odd to see a child running around in pirate gear fighting with their friends. In fact it was common enough that the older people found it enjoyable, and even though in the long run most children grew up and forgot about their life-long dream to ride in the clouds there were some who were still too wary of the sky pirates to dare step into that direction of dreaming. Such was the case for the children at Honilane orphanage.

Molly P. Honilane was known as the kind, sweet tempered, and understanding woman who raised children like a mother hen. But in all the years that people saw children come and go from that orphanage none of them dared to attempt the wild play of the others. Even the teenagers scolded some children for talking about the pirates as if they were heroes to look up to. It was early dawn when a certain boy found himself waking up to see the bleary blueness of the earliest hours. He sighed and stretched before rubbing his eyes a bit. Just as he got himself sat up and partly ready to get up he heard a well-known call.

"Kieren! Get up you have to make those runs!" with a sigh he started to get himself dressed and just finished with his boots when the blonde haired woman came bounding into the room.

"I'm up don't have to be so loud – you'll wake the others," he stated.

"Child, those others would do good to be on your schedule." He smiled at the woman as he stood before her while she shook her head and reached up to comb her fingers through his unruly hair.

"Such a mess you are. Always on the run, you never even think that you should look more presentable." Kieren sighed and placed a hand on hers before glancing down in a blush.

"I need to make the runs. I'll see you soon," he stated as he grabbed his messenger bag and took off for the door.

"Just don't forget to eat! I don't want to hear from Mr. Lancey that you aren't eating what he gives you for breakfast!" Kieren nodded with faint eye roll before he rushed out the door.

Molly shook her head as the boy took off out of the yard that was littered with a few chickens as they scurried about. She sometimes didn't know what to think about that boy. He took so much upon himself only in hoping to ease the burden of others, and never once truthfully thought about being a normal child. Then again there wasn't much normal about Kieren. Ever since he'd showed up on her doorstep at age four dirty, blood caked, red eyed, and trembling in the cold rain she'd known something was strange about him.

His hair had been a startling thing for the first time, much like his eyes. Blood red hair, and tawny amber eyes. They were quite beautiful, but some people often steered away from him due to his slight difference. People had been interested in adopting him up until they saw his eyes, and then they changed their minds. In the eyes of the Purist Church of the Royal Light a person with odd eyes is a wicked child – a child of misfortune and plague. It was that which caused Kieren to have no one who cared to adopt him. Still, it just meant that he could continue a happy life here.

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