-Chapter 2: A Familiar Face-

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Dora felt the warmth of someone's palm resting against her forehead. She felt uneven yet warm breathing on her neck. Gradually opening her eyes again, the thudding in her head had decreased though the pain in her body still burned painfully.

Turing her head she met the gaze of a familiar face, the same chocolate brown eyes.

"Remus" she breathed, her heart leapt as tears appeared in her eyes as she struggled to make words.

"Shhhh" he whispered nuzzling her currently pale white hair, "you had me worried sick Nymphadora" he grinned, gently brushing the stands of her from Dora's face.

Dora half-heartedly chuckled hearing him say her first name "don't call me Nymphadora" she huffed leaning into his hand as Remus cupped her cheek gently.

She watched as Remus sat up, grunting as he felt his body ache. Dora with the help of Lupin sat up too. She smiled as she looked at him beside her, safe.

"Thank Merlin you're okay, I would have never lived with myself if something happened to you" he murmured in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her small frame, resting her head on his shoulder.

Dora felt as if rocks had been lifted off her back, feeling the warmth as he held her, more tears falling freely down her cheek.

"I missed you too" she muttered nuzzling her head in the crook of his neck.

The couple sat there is silence, held in each other's arms.

"We've won Dora, we won," he smiled as he placed a small kiss on her forehead.

Remus gave a small smile nodding slowly as he watched his wife grow a wide grin. With his left arm, he gently brushed the tears from her cheek.

He had been so anxious, after his battle with Dolohov he had entirely lost sight of Dora. And though after he had found her, she was not in a good state was what Madam Pomfrey had told him. Tonks's hair had been slowly turning deathly white which increased his distress as he lay beside her.

"Your hair" he smiled as he watched Tonks turn her hair into the same electric pink he loved.

"I'm not a fan of my hair being this pale white" she managed out to say, tears interrupting her as she pulled herself against his chest.

"Shh, I'm okay, I'm safe and okay" Remus whispered as he held her watching her as she slowly wiped her tears away, his hand resting upon her shoulder.

"How is Teddy?" he asked as she pulled away from his grasp slowly.

"He is with my mother" Tonks smiled, her heart softened imagining about when they could go home and meet their new-born son.

"Where are the others?" Tonks asked interrupting the silence.

Remus shook his head "I don't know" he whispered "let's go see" he smiled.

Using the support of the crumbling wall behind them they stood up, making sure to be quiet not to disturb other who were still recovering. Walking through the corridors many were half destroyed with their walls crumbling and paintings that once hung now laid on the floor in pieces.


The doors to the Great Hall opened as both Remus and Tonks walked through. The first to come to them was Hermione who immediately hugged Dora.

"Thank God your okay, Hermione" Dora smiled returning the hug.

"I'm fine, but are you?" Hermione inquired as she pulled away noticing the bruises on her body.

Dora nodded giving a humble smile as she placed her hand on Hermione's shoulder "I'm better than I was before"


"I'm fine too Hermione, though you do look quite exhausted" Remus commented noticing the worn look on Hermione's face.

Hermione gave a small smile, "I know, but Madam Pomfrey needs help,"

Tonks nodded wanting to help herself though Madam Pomfrey refused to let her until she had rested.

Harry came soon after Hermione had left swiftly to help Madam Pomfrey, he was additionally quite worn and tired.

"Your parents would have been proud Harry" Remus smiled his hand-pulled Tonks closer to him. Harry gave a tired smile back "I know, I saw them. I saw them all, Sirius as well" he was fighting to hold his tears back "I saw Mum and Dad too"

Remus smiled embracing Harry noticing as the tears formed in his eyes.

"I'm just glad your fine, Remus" Harry added as Remus pulled out from his hug.

"I'm glad you're fine too" Remus murmured earning a grateful look from Harry.

As Dora glimpsed around the Great Hall, it was filled with even more people injured severely, some dead. Her eyes shifted over to the Weasly family, and then to where their gazes were. Tonks still held onto Remus's hand, her eyes glistened with tears. She saw Fred... laying on the ground on a stretcher, with George kneeling beside him his hand on Fred's.

Arthur had wrapped his hands around Molly, her head in his chest both mourning the death of Fred. Ron too sat beside George looking at the lifeless body of Fred, the same brother who used to make fun of him. Remus nuzzled his head gently in Tonks currently brown hair as she clung onto his arm. So many were lost from the Battle, so many dear ones...

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Any votes and comments would be appreciated!!

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