-Chapter 8: Restoration of Hogwarts-

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Tonks birthday went reasonably swiftly, throughout the day there wouldn't be a single minute without someone hugging her whether it was Remus or Teddy.

They had spent the day at home but went for a quick stroll in the evening in a small muggle cafe round the corner. Surprising to them, it had been quite full.

Although Tonks had to try her best to keep Teddy's hair hidden though some people gave her questionable looks noticing the brightly coloured hair of the young boy.

"Did you like the necklace?" Remus questioned watching from the bed as Tonks put Teddy into the crib.

He still felt guilty about not being able to buy her many things and refused to use her own money to buy her presents.

"Remus I loved it" Tonks smiled genuinely placing a quick peck on Teddy's forehead glancing back at Remus giving a reassuring smile.

She nestled in between his arms, her head in his chest. Before she could even tell Remus fell asleep.

"Goodnight Remus" she whispered softly in his ear, he returned a slight smile in his sleep before returning to his soft snoring.


Teddy's cried echoed throughout the flat, the couple grumbling being woken from their sleep.

"I'll get him love" Remus groaned slightly irritated though all that disappeared as he looked at his son.Picking him up gently he began to rock himself tenderly

"Shh" he smiled softly rustling Teddy's hair."Shhh" Remus cooed stepping shutting the bedroom door behind him gazing at Teddy.

Remus sighed lightly not being able to stop Teddy from crying "why are you crying" he whispered softly, his eyes narrowing in frustration.

"Are you hungry?" he inquired pouting slightly in amusement "let's go to your mother"

Surely enough Teddy had stopped crying to Remus' amusement "he was just hungry" Remus chuckled nuzzling his head into Teddy's hair.

"How's the most beautiful person doing?" Remus questioned glancing towards Tonks who was slightly annoyed being awoken as she sat up on the bed.

"I don't know, how are you?" Tonks asked as a smile crept up her face peering over to him.Remus delayed for a second

"I see what you did there. I'll go make us breakfast" he grinned holding Teddy quite close to him before walking from the room.

Dora was more than happy ever since Remus had started to hold Teddy and not be afraid. She also found it quite humorous at times when she would walk in on him playing with Teddy.

Racing to the kitchen after brushing her teeth she took Teddy into her arms "good morning Teddy" she greeted in a more cheerful tone than what she had said earlier before.

"McGonagall asked if we could help with Hogwarts. They want to have the school ready before next month" Remus smiled from the kitchen.

Tonks instantly turned her head "of course! When?" She asked a smile spreading across her face.

"Today" Remus replied "but one of us has to stay with Teddy"

"I could ask my mother if she could, we'll only be gone for the day right?" Tonks grinned enthusiastically nuzzling Teddy's head as he peered up at her.

"Dora, stay with Teddy. I'm sure we'll manage"

Dora narrowed her eyes "Remus I'm coming whether you like it or not" she gave a quick smile before Teddy gently pulled her bubblegum hair attracting her attention.Remus gave a soft chuckle

"ok love" he smiled rolling his eyes playfully.


Their eyes wandered to the castle upon the hill most of Hogwarts had been cleaned and fixed but there were some parts such as the courtyard left.

Remus gave a quick smile recognising Harry and Ron in the honeydukes before turning to Tonks, a wide smile on her face.Walking through the doors of the great hall they met the familiar face of McGonagall.

"Hurry the two of you" she gestured rushing them into the hall as Remus smiled widened walking further into the great hall.

The head office had temporarily changed to the orders meeting room in case anything new cropped up, fortunately, nothing had yet.

"Remus if you wouldn't mind helping Professor Flitwick, Ny...Tonks you can come with me" Minerva gave a quick smile to the couple before turning to her usual stern demeanour.

"Ok Professor" Remus smiled nodding going back to the courtyard where he had last seen Professor Flitwick leaving his wife and Minerva in the great hall.

"How's Teddy?" Minerva asked as the two began helping filch clear the great hall.

"He's good, keeps changing his hair and keeps us awake at night" Tonks smiled diverting her attention back to the work.

"I'm assuming he is with your mother"


"How's Remus getting along?"

"He's getting along with Teddy" Tonks softly chuckled remembering how she had caught him playing with Teddy quite enthusiastically.


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