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Uma: Harry go put on a shirt Mal and Ben are coming over soon.

Harry: ugh do I have to?

Uma: Yes, now go

2 minutes later

Harry: Uma I couldn't find a shirt, I looked everywhere.

Uma: oh yeah you looked everywhere?

Harry: yes all my shirts must be in the laundry or something

Uma goes up to Harry's room

Uma:[opens drawer and finds shirt] Oh yeah then what's this?

Harry: I swear that drawer was NOT there a second ago.

Uma: I bet you didn't even look.

Harry: How dare you I would never not follow an order from my captain, like I said the drawer wasn't there.

Uma: God you're so stupid, do you really think I'm gonna believe that? Just put on your shirt and come downstairs, I swear I'm loosing brain cells from this conversation.

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